Air transport in Egypt:
The aviation sector - carries over 32 million passengers and 313,000 tonnes of air freight to, from and within Egypt. More than 81,000 scheduled international flights depart Egypt annually, destined for 119 airports in 55 countries. Domestically, more than 34,500 flights make over 3.4 million seats available to passengers, destined to 12 airports
Among the many reasons that people and businesses use air transport, people rely on it for holidays and visiting friends and family; while businesses use air transport for meeting clients and for the speedy and reliable delivery of mail and goods. For this reason, the air transport network has been called the Real World Wide Web
Out of this network, in 2011 there were 142 routes connecting Egypt to urban agglomerations around the world. On average there were 1.5 outbound flights per day along these routes. A total of 31 of these routes were connecting Egypt to cities of more than 10 million inhabitants, with 1.8 outbound flights per day available to passengers.
Airlines registered in Egypt directly employ 39,000 people locally, and support through their supply chains a further 66,000 jobs. Examples of these supply-chain jobs include those in the distribution sector delivering aviation fuel; and jobs in the catering sector preparing the meals served on airlines. A further31,000 jobs are supported through the household spending of those employed by airlines and their supply chain.
The five largest airports in Egypt – Cairo International, Sharm El Sheik International, Hurghada International, Luxor International and Alexandria International – handle almost 36