Air travel is the most popular form of international travel, due to it’s speed and coverage. Airplanes are an essential part of the air transport system. They brought humanity lots of facilitations, for example, overnight shipping. It wouldn’t be so easy to do that with car, boat or train. Also living in remote areas wouldn’t be the same if there weren’t airplanes. Air transport can help us with visiting our relatives and friends across the world, without them it wouldn’t be so easy as it is today. Economy is very important. Having the ability to fly from coast to coast helps to build business for lots of people, whereas it helps to build up world’s economy. The airpline industry itself adds to the economy. Also there is one more important thing – an air ambulance. Some people can say that airplanes are the only reason why they are alive today, because they were airlifted to the hospital. Also we can transfer things back and forth by the air. But the most important thing that airplanes gave us is – to travel faster.
2. Are airplanes safe enough?
This question has been asked since the very first airplanes took off, and the very first airlines were established. A lot of people suffer from the fear of flying or traveling on airplanes and consider it safer to travel by car or train than by air. There is a lot of evidence that suggests that travel by air is significantly safer than traveling by a car, but the fact remains that like cars, airplanes also have accidents. There are different reasons that could turn a normal day into a bad day. These include: bird strikes, cabin fires, design flaws, terrorist attacks, low or no fuel and so on. Most of errors on an aircraft take place because of errors on the part the pilot, co-pilot etc.
As it’s said in an article from - here are parts and systems of the aircraft, which are the most dangerous and need to pay more attention on