The alcohol is a terrible disease that effects not only your own body and mental health but also it effects everybody who surrounds you. By being an alcoholic you are experiencing all different types of problems. It can be either a problem with a lack of money that will bring you to the friends who are going to get tired of it sooner or later, or alcohol will ruin your healthy relationship with your family and your lovely kids. People who are suffering from this disease are usually not successful in anything they are trying to do. Alcohol is simply ruining your life.
Alcohol and financial problems
We consider an alcohol as a drug that makes you addicted to it really quick. Person will be thinking that one drink will not do anything to him/her, and that might be right. The next time that person will be thinking that if one drink did absolutely nothing to him/her then what could happen with two drinks. And he/she will be keep on going and going until they will reach that point where they realize that they are a typical alcoholics. It’s just like that story with a frog. “If you put a frog into the bowl with a temperature lower than her body’s, she will jump out immediately. If you put her into the bowl with exact the same temperature as her body or a little bit wormer then she will stay in there. You can be increasing the temperature but the frog will still stay in there because she is not feeling the difference, and she will be there until she literally cooks alive.” Same thing happens to the alcoholics, they are simply not feeling any difference in their body temperature. They will be just drinking until they either pass out or just “cook alive”. Thru all this times they will be spending a quite a bit of money and since they are drinking and keep on wasting time to go buy drinks, that means they are not working most of these days, simply because they are drunk. That can cause them losing their job.
References: List The story with a frog is from my head. I red it long time ago in one article. I wrote this in case you will ask for the references and where I got from. Alcohol and children – source: Book – Alcohol by Judy Monroe 1994