The story of Rikki Tikki-Tavi is expressed (portrayed) in two different ways, a film version and a book. The film version of Rikki Tikki-Tavi creates a better understanding of the story. The film version does not only express (depict) the story through words but also creates a visual understanding as well as using sound effects and special effects to adapt the realistic perspective. Both the book and the film used the same plot but spent a different amount of time on the explanation of the main points. (what are you trying to say)
The plot of the book developed at a very quick pace during the orientation and became more detailed throughout the violence. The book of Rikki Tikki-Tavi explains the life of a young mongoose that is separated from his family and normal environment due to a summer flood. The book involved two complications, one being Rikki Tikki’s separation for his family and the other being that deadly snakes are in charge of the new environment that he is having to adapt into. The climax of the story was Rikki’s first fight with a snake because it showed his bravery and was the beginning of his adventure to defeating all the snakes. Rikki Tikki resolved both his problems by settling into his new environment and found a new habitat. He also managed to kill the snakes and destroyed the eggs so that another dynasty of the snakes couldn’t begin. The theme of the book version of Rikki Tikki-Tavi is bravery and courage which are both demonstrated by Rikki throughout the whole story. The plot of the film is also the same as the book except there are changes of sequences of events.
The plot of the film developed gradually from a slow orientation and description of the story to a very quick explanation and showing of the violence. The film version of Rikki Tikki-Tavi did not explain the life of the young mongoose but showed it instead which added an effect on the viewer because what was happening could be seen. The orientation in the film