He was the son of a king that is Philip II but later in life he said that his real father was Greek god Zeus which served to increase his popularity as a leader. One thing for sure is that Alexander the Great had the courage and determination to build a universal monarchy that would be the eye of many leaders during his time. During his young days Alexander lived in the palace of Aegae with his family and received good physical training from his tutors; he was also taught self control and discipline. These forms of training are vital in many military training even today and have impacted positively on the success of military endeavors. Aristotle was the last teacher of Alexander the Great. He was the famed pupil of Plato. At the age of 13 Alexander learned the fundamentals of rhetoric, philosophy and literature (Bowra, C. M, 1957).
Alexander and Aristotle were close friends and it is during this time when Aristotle gave Alexander a copy of The Iliad which motivated Alexander and increased hid desire to conquer