Professor Starbuck
4- Oct-16
Alexander the Great
A conqueror is someone who uses powerful military forces to take ownership of vast amounts of land. A great example of a conqueror is Julius Caesar of the great Roman Empire. Alexander the Great had a successful militry career such as under the leadership of his father his military endeavors from age 17 to 21, Alexander success in victories, conquering the Persian Empire.
Alexander, a great commander who possessed impressive intellect thinking skills and with a crazy education background, it’s no wonder why he earned the nane Alexander the Great, Alexander encountered several growing pains and important school lessons throughout his early childhood. A family …show more content…
disruption between Alexander and his father existed, which created a feeling of non acceptance for Alexander. Alexander had closer ties with his mother, Olympias, than father King Phillip. This vacant person between his father and himself conveys the importance for Alexander to be a determined in being the best in all he was challenged with. If alexander could be great perhaps he would eventually have his father him.
Right beside him came a lot of ships full with more than 40,000 soldiers and 5,000 war horses.
Plus a lot l engineers, shipbuilders, doctors, and scholars. And Aristotle’s nephew, came along as well. Alexander wanted revenge on the Persians after the destruction of Athens, Greece. He was going to destroy the whole Persian Empire and promised the Greek soldiers who had joined that he would liberate all the Greeks there.
Alexander the Great was born July 22 357 BC. Mother of Alexander was a mature for his
Age. At 12 he started learning from Aristotle, he was trained with other children. It was at this
Time that he met Hephastion, his future best Friend. Aristotle gave Alexander training in rhetoric
And literature and sparked his Interest in science, medicine, and philosophy, all which became
Important later in his life. When Alexander was 15 is father was going to purchase a black
Stallion. The horse was to wild and no one thought it could be tamed. Alexander decided That …show more content…
Could do it and leapt onto its back and started a sixteen year relationship with the horse. He
Named the horse Bucephalus at the age of sixteen his father made him regent, with the power to
Rule in his father's name. While his father was away, one of the colonies revolted. Alexander
Quickly marched troops to the area. lympias and father name was Philip the 11. Alexander father
Was a great leader for a long time.
During a young age Alexander was tortured by a philosopher
Aristotle until the age of 16 years old. Alexander was the next leader up. Alexander was the
Youngest leader at the age of 16, Alexander in hearted a strong kingdom and a much experience
Army. In 334 BC, he invaded Acheamened Empire, and stocked a series of campaigns that went
On for at least decade. He went on conquest of Asia Minor Alexander had broken the power the
Persian King Darius the 3rd and conquered the At this point, his empire reached from the Adriatic Sea to the Indus River. In the summer of 337 BC Philip was killed , and
Alexander ascended to the Macedonian throne. He soon showed his power when the large city of
Thebes revolted in 334 Alexander tactics became very useful when he gained his throne.
Alexander ran over Egypt, where inscriptions show that he probably presented
Himself as the successor to the Persian king as the land's ruler rather than as an Egyptian
Pharaoh. On the coast, west of the Nile River Alexander founded a new city in 332 BC named
Alexandria after himself, the first of the many cities he would later go on to establish as Far East
As Afghanistan. During his time in Egypt Alexander also paid a mysterious visit to the oracle
The god Ammon. The Greeks regarded Ammon as identical to Zeus. Alexander told no one the
Details of his consultation to the oracle, but the news got out that he had been informed he was
The son of the god and that he joyfully accepted the designation as true. Through out his rein as
King he never had had full control as long as his archrival Darius of Persia was around.
Alexander had already considered himself king of Persia, but his right to the throne was in
Question as long as Darius was still alive and at large. So in the summer of 329 BC he marched north in pursuit of Darius. Alexander had almost caught up to him but Darius was slain by his
Own men, finally brought to rebellion by their long resentment of his mismanagement of the
Persian. The Great changed many things in the ancient world by starting the spread of
Greek culture. If he hadn't defeated the Dam that was the Achaemenid Persian Empire,
Greek culture would not have flowed
Out into the world. We could be speaking a future form of Persian, had their
Culture spread instead of Greece's. Everything would be different. Greek ideas
And values would have been lost forever. Democracy as we know it, for example,
Started in Greece. If the Persian culture had spread, democracy would have been
Cast aside, and we could have powerful despots ruling over the world. But
Because Alexander opened the gates for Greek science, math, architecture.
The Great Alexander or Alexander The Great, changed many things in the ancient world. If he hadn't defeated the dam that was the Achaemenid Persian Empire, Greek culture would not have flowed out into the world, had their culture spread instead of Greece's. Greek ideas and values would have no longer exist. Democracy as we know it for example it began in Greece. If the Persiaan culture had spread, democracy would have been cast aside and we could have powerful despots ruling over the world. Because Alexander opened the gates for Greek science, agriculture and Literature, It has changed how the world is today and still changing it.