Ali‘i Research Project
Research Paper: Each student will pick an ali‘i to research. Students will use Midkiff and any other resources available to find the accomplishments and significance of their ali‘i in Hawaiian history. Once students research their ali‘i they will write a 1-3 page paper on that ali‘i. The paper guidelines are as follows…
1-3 Pages, double spaced, typed, one inch margins
Page numbers in the top right corners
APA format (title page, proper citations and references)
Black ink
Due Date:___________________ Pts: /50
Graphic Organizer:
Along with the research paper, students will submit a graphic organizer to be a visual representation of the information found in their research. Students can use graphs, charts, images, or any other visual tool to show the accomplishments and significance of the ali‘i in the research paper. The purpose of this is to summarize the information in a visually appealing manner. The due date is the same as the research paper.
Pts: /10
Mana Presentation: The final section of the project is a classroom activity to help review and assess students grasp of numerous ali‘i who had a profound affect on the course of Hawaiian society. Each student will be asked to portray an ali‘i for the class. The presentation should not be longer than 5 min. and should cover the most important information about your ali‘i such as bloodline, accomplishments, etc. Students must present their ali‘i with mana and in the correct order, therefore they must know who came before and after. Also students are expected to provide everyone in the class with their graphic organizer, including the teacher. Pts: /20