Right now, creating an excess amount of CO2 has had a significant impact on our environment. One of the biggest concerns in environmental science is that we are releasing too many greenhouses gases into our atmosphere which is heating up our plant. One of the main greenhouse gases we are concerned about is CO2. Although alka seltzer created CO2 gas, alka seltzer it not probably the problem because it is used in very small amount. However, many other reactions create CO2 as a byproduct, which is concerning. The combustion of fossil fuels to create energy is like the alka seltzer experiment, much on a much larger scale. The burning of fossil fuels creates huge amounts of CO2, which is very detrimental to our environment. Over time the excess creation of greenhouse gases, like CO2, will have large repercussions on our
Right now, creating an excess amount of CO2 has had a significant impact on our environment. One of the biggest concerns in environmental science is that we are releasing too many greenhouses gases into our atmosphere which is heating up our plant. One of the main greenhouse gases we are concerned about is CO2. Although alka seltzer created CO2 gas, alka seltzer it not probably the problem because it is used in very small amount. However, many other reactions create CO2 as a byproduct, which is concerning. The combustion of fossil fuels to create energy is like the alka seltzer experiment, much on a much larger scale. The burning of fossil fuels creates huge amounts of CO2, which is very detrimental to our environment. Over time the excess creation of greenhouse gases, like CO2, will have large repercussions on our