What is stewardship, conservation, and sustainability? These three definitions can be easily confused and they also intertwine with each other in a sense. Stewardship is basically our responsibility to take care of our environment and natural resources to ensure their sustainability for all current and future generations to enjoy through planning. Sustainability is to meets the needs with our current generation without compromising the future generations with their own needs. Conservation is the act of saving our natural resources through careful management, which is to not be confused with preservation, which is to not use it at all. We are slowly ruining our resources if we do not practice stewardship, conservation, and sustainability those are they key things we need to learn and provide a great environment for all of our future generations to enjoy. Passing on this knowledge to children will only help the planet rejuvenate
Cited: Orr, D. (1994). Earth in mind: On education, environment, and the human prospect (p. 85). Washington, DC: Island Press. https://qspace.library.queensu.ca/bitstream/1974/1680/1/Young_Jessica_LM_200901_MEd.pdfhttp://books.google.com/books?id=Oy9IGO5ZdaUC&pg=PA12&dq=all+education+is+environmental+education&hl=en&sa=X&ei=iQxMVKmYAeG1sQTQl4CoDQ&ved=0CDsQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=all%20education%20is%20environmental%20education&f=false http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ908944.pdfhttp://courses.washington.edu/esrm200/stewardship%20and%20sustainability%201.pdf