As many adults go through the aging process, they experience significant changes in their physical, psychological, and mental states that can significantly impact their ability to effectively participate and engage in everyday occupations. Age-related cognitive changes can be disruptive and if left unnoticed, can lead to a rapid decline in health and overall quality of life. With that said, Allen’s Cognitive Levels Frame, which centers its theory in cognitive impairments suits well for this protocol. This model highlights the role of cognition (attention, memory, language, reasoning and problem solving, speed of processing) …show more content…
What outcome assessments may be used to measure change in your protocol? What is the change? Rationale for choice. 20 points
• Allen Cognitive Level Screen- Created by Claudia Kay Allen, the purpose of this assessment is to estimate the client’s cognitive functioning as well as their capacity to learn and to guide treatment goal setting. This assessment utilizes leather pattern, leather laces, needles and a thread.
• Mini-Mental State Examination- A short oral questionnaire that is used to measure cognitive performance. This assessment is suitable for adults with psychiatric, neurological, and other general medical conditions. This assessment consists of 11 questions in 4 areas of cognition (orientation to time, registration, orientation to place, and recall). Maximum score is 30 and a score of 23 or lower indicates cognitive impairment.
• Routine Task Inventory (RTI) - This assessment rates client’s cognitive levels in the context of routine daily activities. Using 3 different perspectives (self-report, therapist observation, and caregiver report) to validate scores, this assessment will identify to which degree their cognitive disability inhibits them with daily