Initially, I expected the WISC-V administration to be vastly different from WAIS-IV administration due to working with a younger client. However, I found that the two assessments were more alike than they were they were different. Furthermore, after three assessments, I am even more aware of my areas of strengths (e.g., my ability to motivate client, acknowledge when breaks are needed, and obtain pertinent information during a clinical interview) and weaknesses (e.g., my ability to recall and apply specific information related to each subtest).
The interview portion of this assessment was different from previous interviews because it was the first time I conducted an interview with a minor. Similar to the previous assessment, it was helpful to have an interview template to use as a guide. Moreover, during the parent interview, I found that I had to ask additional …show more content…
I failed to recall and apply specific information related to each subtest. For example, while scoring the protocol I failed to remember both of the scoring rules for the Picture Span (PS) subtest. I marked item-20 as 0-point response because the items were provided in the wrong order. However, that was incorrect. The response to this item was a 1-point response because the correct items were provided in the wrong order. Because of this error, I invalidated this subtest by discontinuing too early. As a result, I was unable to calculate the examinee’s Working Memory Index (WMI), PS raw and scaled scores, and all other scores that required use of the WMI or PS.
In order to improve my performance before the full battery administration, I need to review the WAIS-IV manual and also practice administering the WRAT-IV to my classmates. Overall, I think my performance is gradually improving. However, I am aware that I could have avoided some of the mistakes made during this administration if I had taken more time to