Authored by: Team Celeritas
Chinmay Sohoni Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi Vini Soni Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi
am·bi·ent (ām 'bē-ənt) adj. Surrounding; encircling: ambient sound; ambient air. ad·ver·tis·ing (ād 'vər-tī 'zĭng) noun. The activity of attracting public attention to a product or business, by paid announcements in the print, broadcast, or electronic media. Most of the definitions of Ambient Advertising define it as a form of advertising that is covered in “outdoor non-regular media”. It’s an advert that is not delivered through conventional medium of television, radio, print etc. An Ambient Advertisement would use a sidewalk for example, rather than using a billboard. Quite simply put, an advertisement that is a part of the surroundings, a part of the ambience is well, ambient advertisement. But for effectiveness ambient advertising goes one step further as to the fact that not only is it part of the ambience, it needs to blend in with the media as well. And there lies the tricky part, the advert needs to be noticed and be a part of the background, and that’s where the Ambient Advertising has to unleash its creative power. Ambient Advertising is Covered by non-regular media, in most regular but unexpected places/objects It is Innovative; captures the eyeballs, stirs the imagination Blends with the environment, yet gets the attention Relies on word-of-mouth publicity
Traditional advertising becoming a BIG bore?
In recent years (recent in Indian context, about a decade old in western reference), there have been many debates regarding the effectiveness of the regular media in delivering advertisements. The consumer has become immune to the advertisements in newspapers and magazines. The novelty of cable television has worn off and so has the glitzy advertisements. The over-exposure has brought in a new change in the
References: 1. The Marketing Whitebook 2009-10 2. 3. 4. 5.