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Part 1: Life on the Great Plains (22 points)
Describe the changes that took place on the Great Plains before and after the Civil War. Do this by filling in the chart provided by using the text and the internet. Make sure that all answers are complete. The first section has been done for you.
Category: People
Pre-Civil War: Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapahoe, Nez Perce
Post-Civil War: Farmers, Ranchers
Category: Building Materials
Pre-Civil War: Buffalo Remains
Post-Civil War: Bricks of sod
Category: Food Supply
Pre-Civil War: Buffalo
Post-Civil War: Farms and domestic animals
Category: Homes
Pre-Civil War: Shelters
Post-Civil War: Farms
Category: Uses of animals
Pre-Civil War: Hunting
Post-Civil War: Commercial
Category: Effects on the Land
Pre-Civil War: Regular grasslands
Post-Civil War: Farming soils
Answer the following based on your reading of “A Century of Dishonor” in Lesson 2. (10 points)
1. According to the author, why did the American people support the injustices perpetrated on Indian people by the government? –Because they found the Indian people to be a block against spreading west.
2. In the article, the author quotes from a presidential commission report on Indian affairs. In a short paragraph, summarize the quotations. It talks about how they don’t try to live as they once were or attempt to settle and live in that area. In her response she talks about how they could settle but they’d only have their land taken away once again.
3. Does the author believe Indians should have been made citizens all at once? Explain.
No, she states how they will join as they seek fit and they should be protected until and after then.
4. The author encouraged the American government and people to stop doing four things. What were they? -Cheating, robbing, breaking promises refusal of the protection of the law to the Indian’s rights