*a. Suffered from the collapse of cotton and wheat prices b. Benefited from agricultural production in Russia, Canada, and Australia c. Were delighted about the "short haul," "long-haul" policies of railroads d. Benefited from the "rebate" practices of railroads e. Saw a sharp decrease in farm tenancy
2. The Grange:
a. Avoided all social and educational activities and focused their efforts on political action b. Was founded by opponents of the Patrons of Husbandry c. Had its main objective thwarted by the Supreme Court in Munn vs. Illinois *d. Secured the passage of legislation regulating railroad rates and storage fees e. Was located primarily in the New England states
3. The Farmer's Alliance of the late nineteenth century was most similar to the Grange in its:
a. Insisting on racial integration in its meetings b. Opposition to the Populist Party *c. Decision to encourage cooperatively owned stores d. Location in the south and the west e. Securing the support of the American Federation of Labor
4. The Populist Party called for each of the following EXCEPT:
a. Nationalization of Railroads b. A graduated income tax *c. Women's suffrage d. Free and unlimited coinage of silver e. A Subtreasury system
5. In the presidential election of 1892, the Populists:
a. Rejected the call of those who wished to include the secret ballot in the platform b. Decided to ignore the candidacy of General James B. Weaver and instead ran Peter Cooper *c. Polled over one million votes d. Drew heavily among Southern black voters e. Made a successful appeal to Native Americans
6. The Homestead Strike:
a. Occurred when Congress failed to renew legislation granting free land to