Major point that support his thesis was a well conserved settlements found in Texas. The remains at these settlements date back at the minimum of 1,000 years before the supposed initial immigration (13). At a settlement in the city of Florence, Texas archeologist have dug up about half a million artifacts that include articulate spearheads. They have been found throughout North America and stretch as far as Costa Rica. The spearheads have been given the name of Clovis points named after their makers’ Clovis people. The Clovis people were the first to arrive the Americas. Another finding at the Gault settlement that rejects the idea that they were big games hunters and always mobile. Support to this is Michael Collins said. “They exploited a variety of animals, they had tools for gathering …show more content…
It was one of the French that carried the disease that passed it on to the Indians of Nauset. This disease was not recognized in the Americas so people didn’t know what to do. Since it spread so quickly from person to person it soon became an epidemic. Thomas Morton said, “Indians dies in heaps, as they lay in their houses” (34). Evidence that supports that Europeans brought this disease to the Americas is that we didn’t have many epidemics until they were brought aboard European ships, “As much as nine-tenths of the indigenous population of the Americas died in led than a generation from the Europeans pathogens”