M8 Hex Head Flange Bolts (4) M8x1.25x40 Low Profile Dimpled 10mm Hex Head Flange Bolt (4) M8x1.25x35 Low Profile Dimpled 10mm Hex HeadFlange Bolt (4) M8x1.25x30 Low Profile Dimpled 10mm Hex Head Flange Bolt (2) M8x1.25x25 Low Profile Dimpled 10mm Hex Head Flange Bolt (2) M8x1.25x20 Low Profile Dimpled 10mm Hex Head Flange Bolt (4) M8x1.25x16…
The trip was quite fun because the mountains we were by were smooth while being very massive in size. The day was sunny at start but sooned became cloudy and grey I was worried that it would rain and we would have to cancel but that wasn’t the case. When we approached the lake it was massive very massive with little waves right behind each other while the smell of the open and the lake were all around me. The lake was beautiful while fish were jumping out into the air and splashed right back into the diamond lake. When I saw this I became so excited and was filled with joy. It was cloudy and breezy but the air around us was warm and soothing like being right by a fire on a breezy day. I quickly setup the equipment and grabbed my fishing rod, acquired the bait and started to fish. While I was fishing my Nina and her husband set up right by the edge of the ramp and me and my sister were set up on the side. The dog was right at the edge and about to fall of the ramp but he just stood there staring into the endless darkness of the lake. As i was enjoying the air I felt a tug on my rod and instantly knew There was a fish at the end, I instantly started to reel in my line a was struggling just a bit, the fish was also struggling and it was determined by who had the most stamina. I reeled in my line and there was a mid to large sized fished on the line and I felt proud that I caught my first fish of the day. After a hour I caught 4 fish and felt proud of myself for actually staying a whole day outside and having fun. We decided to head to the house when it started to rain. When we arrived at the house it was already turning night so we headed in but before we did that my Nina showed me how to gut a fish, even though it was disgusting it was informational. After that the rest of the stay was very relaxing and pleasent and was glad to travel there for half of the…
I knew I wouldn’t make it to the top of the murky, warm and brown waters. I could feel the oxygen being released quickly from my lungs and bubbles swiftly skimming my skin as I slowly reached the bottom of the lake. I heard the faint cries for help and loud splashing as my sight becomes blurred. I felt someone’s hands grab mine and pull me onto the grainy dusty dirt. My vision comes back and I feel everyone’s eyes on me. They all immediately start laughing at me as I stood up and brushed the dirt off of me, feeling something tightly clutch my body.…
Once I felt as though I could do it, I let my heart rate settle a little bit and then walked towards the daunting ledge. I looked over the ledge at the water below and had to take one step back and regroup. I was trying to drown out the members of my family who were saying things like “you can do it!”,“You’re almost there” and, “I believe in you”, but after hearing those things I realized it was much needed, it gave me a boost of confidence. I walked back to the ledge, turned my back to the open water, and faced the gigantic rock I would be attempting to climb down. I gripped my hands tightly on the cold rock and moved one foot down the side until I found a small ledge I could rest my foot on. The only thing that was going through my mind was the possibility of the rope holding my weight, preventing me from falling, could break and I would fall and hit the hard rocks below me. Hot tears were streaming down my bright red face, I was looking up at my family through my vision blurred with tears of…
In my earlier years my family took me camping to a lake. My cousins came as well, which made it even more enjoyable. When we arrived at the campsite, I was in awe. It was something out of a Disney movie. There were towering pine trees shielding us from the sun’s rays. Wild plants and bushes surrounded our campsite, but not too far away was a clearing in the bushes where we can see the lake in all its glory. People were fishing, kayaking, swimming, and playing with their dogs.…
I kept myself on pace, past the sidewalk, and down the small hill. My feet shuffled faster, my breathing became heavier. I lowered my arms, lengthened my strides and prayed to God that he would give me strength. My lungs began to scream obscenities, my heart threatened to leave my chest, and I was sure my legs were planning my murder. I started to embrace the pain exploding through my body. I began work among the strains of physical feeling and pushing myself against my mental limitations. Each leaden step burnt my tired muscles and bore into my brain. An undesirable battle presented itself to me. Demands made themselves prevalent in my mind.…
As you go down this hill, your momentum only goes up until you get to the bottom and are forced to stop unless you want to end up in the middle of Lake Michigan. We spent a few minutes at the bottom of the hill to look around, take pictures, and to catch our breaths. Then we turned around and looked at the climb that we were about to take on. Three of Mary’s brothers were already on their way up the hill when she and I started our twenty minute climb. Mary started to get ahead of me because I slowed down to try to count how many steps it would take me to get to the top of the hill. As I reached two hundred steps I looked behind me only to realize that I was only about half way up. This climb became very challenging because of the steepness of the hill and the shifting of the sand every step. As I started to drip sweat, I was reaching the top and felt pretty accomplished. I was taking a break every fifty to sixty steps to catch my breath for a moment, and was determined not to lose count of my…
I count silently in my head. It takes a whole 20 seconds until I hear the rocks make contact with the river. It sends a tremble through my body and I try to scoot as far away from the ledge as I can. Unfortunately, the path is only three feet wide. How had I ever talked myself into doing this?…
When we came to the base off the mountain where we would learn the basic instructions for zip lining I wasn't sure I was ready. As we walked through the all-round wood building that creaked beneath our feet, the nerves hit. The fast paced stream that ran by the building matched my racing pulse. Water skimmed over the rocks creating a constant clean cover as it made it journey down. I hoped, maybe the calming sound of the stream would calm my nerves, that didn't happen. It was time to drive up to the top of the mountain to begin the downward…
I’m standing right at the edge of what it seems like the end. My little toes hug the sides of the edge, begging not to take one more step closer. I stare into the calm blue beast beneath me and it stares right back. I could tell that the beast knew how scared and nervous I was. I cautiously dipped my right foot into the water; big toe first and the rest followed. “There is no way I can do this,” I thought to myself. “The water is not the right temperature, the lifeguard is not going to help me, my feet won’t touch the floor, my hair doesn’t look good when it’s wet.” I stood at the edge, making up all types of excuses a seven-year-old can tell his mom.…
But as I cautiously looked down, making sure my neck was the only part of my body that turned; I felt that the way down looked scarier than the way up. And then there was my conscience that kept egging me on towards accomplishing something that very few have been able to. When I couldn't battle with it any longer, I gave into it. With a half empty water bottle and a soul strengthened with courage and vigour, I continued the…
In the distance the mountains rose above the earth and stretched into the clouds, reaching for the heavens. Every day we would hike along a different trail, each one unique in its own way. There was one that was a bit barren along the way, but at the end there was a colossal sand dune that stretched from the top a cliff to the river below. People would climb up the steep slope just to run back down, frantically trying to keep up with the momentum of their legs. As I trekked up the hill, I grew fatigued and had to stop to catch my breath, wondering how anyone could make that journey more than once. When I finally made it to the top of the giant slide, I looked down to the bottom where the rest of my family waited. Before I could second-guess my decision too many times, I took off down the slope, feeling the wind rush against my face and through my hair. Sand whipped my face like harsh ocean spray, an exhilarating experience with a slight sting. My legs threatened to outrun the rest of my body as I hurdled downward, praying that I would be able to stop soon…
I have recently talked with you about my decision to go to school to be an esthetician. Somethings were said and it ended with you disagreeing with my decision. I know how much you care for me, so I know you only want the best. This decision to go to school was not on a whim I have thought about the consequences if I should quit or fail. I do not want you to be mad at me, but I think this is what I was made to do.…
I jump into the calm, cold, dark blue water anxious to water ski for the first time since last year. My family likes do many different sports and activities together and one of the many sports is water skiing. Every year me and my family go up to lake arrowhead to water ski and this year we went during the summer. It has been a year since I water skied but I was anxious to get back up on skis. My uncle driving the boat asks me if I am ready and I nervously nodded my head yes, as the boat started to pull me up the cold lake water was splashing me in my face and it almost felt like someone was slapping in my face multiple times. As through the processes of getting up on water skis you must let the boat pull you up so it can take anywhere between 10- 20 seconds, so as the boat was pulling me up, I thought to myself this is not fun at all from getting water up your nose to having to bend your knees in the right position for the longest time I thought to myself this is not worth it but after about 13 seconds that felt like 13 minuets I was water skiing and it was the best feeling in the world, just like the feeling that you can fly or do anything.…
Life itself is a dark and twisted thing. It seems to make many twists and turns that eventually make out a bag of happenings. All of these circumstances make you a wiser person as these events go on. Many people can say one single event that has changed their life forever. Sometimes, some memories become unforgettable which teach you a lesson that becomes the guideline for your life.…