|The analysis and evaluation of the business and financial performance of Marks & Spencer over a three |
|year period |
|Word Count: 5,898 |
|Serial# |Subject |Page |
|1 |Introduction |2 |
|1.1 |Topic Chosen |2 |
|1.2 |Overview of Marks & Spencer |2 |
|2 |Part 1-Project Objectives and overall research approach |3 |
|2.1 |Aim |3 |
|2.2 |Objectives |3 |
|2.3 |Research Questions |3 |
|2.4 |Reasons for choosing the topic |4 |
|2.4 |Explanation of the overall research approach |4 |
|3 |PART 2-Information gathering and accounting / business techniques
References: 1. ACCA Paper P5 (2012) Advanced Performance Management. 5th ed. London: BPP Learning Media Ltd, pp.250. 2. ACCA Paper P5 (2012) Advanced Performance Management. 5th ed. London: BPP Learning Media Ltd, pp.31. 3. Bevan, J. (2007) The Rise and Fall Marks & Spencer …and How It Rose Again. 3rd ed. London: Profile Books Ltd. 4. Burns, P. (2008) Corporate Entrepreneurship, building an entrepreneurial organization. 2nd ed. New York: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN. 5. BBC., (2012). Marks and Spencer reports 9.7% fall in profits. BBC News, [Online] 6th November. Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20217053 [Accessed 16 November 2012]. 6. Felsted, A. (2012). Marks and Spencer loses Price to Rival. Financial Times, [Online] 22nd June. Available at: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/5f21a30a-bc50-11e1-a836-00144feabdc0.html [Accessed 4 October 2012]. 7. Felsted, A. and Jones, A., (2012). Debenhams enjoys sales growth over summer. Financial Times, [Online] 18th September. Available at: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/b7d8ad6a-015e-11e2-83bb-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2CfJy5dZn [Accessed 28 September 2012]. 8. Felsted, A. (2012). Ailing M&S could be ripe for takeover. Financial Times, [Online] 13th August. Available at http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/77fcc3fa-e54a-11e1-8ac0-00144feab49a.html#axzz2CfJy5dZn [Accessed 4 October 2012]. 9. Felsted, A. (2012). M&S admits womenswear stock shortages hit sales. The Guardian, [Online] 17th April. Available at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/apr/17/marks-spencer-womenswear-stock-shortages [Accessed 4 October 2012]. 11. Key, K. (2012). M&S on the Ropes as Youth Market follows Celebrity Shoppers online. The Observer, [Online] 15th July. Available at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/jul/15/m-and-s-celebrity-online [Accessed 15 October 2012]. 12. Marks & Spencer, 2012. Annual report 2012. [online] Available at: http://annualreport.marsandspencer.com/_assets/downloads/Marks-and-Spencer-Annual-report-and-financial-statements-2012.pdf [Accessed 4 September 2012]. 13. Next plc, 2012. Annual report 2012. [online] Available at: http://www.nextplc.co.uk/~/media/Files/N/Next-PLC/pdfs/latest-news/2012/ar2012.pdf [Accessed 4 September 2012]. 14. PWC., 2011. 2012 Outlook for the retail and consumer products sector in Asia. [online] Available at: http://www.pwc.com/id/en/publications/2012-9outlook-retailconsumer-in-asia.jhtml [Accessed 6 October 2012]. 20. The Guardian (2012). Marks & Spencer 's new clothing chief is best known for Debenhams success [Online]. Retrieved from: http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/jul/10/marks-spencer-clothing-chief-debenhams [Accessed 15 September 2012]. 22. Wood, Z. (2012). M & S loses further ground in battle for vital womenswear market. The Guardian, [Online] 8th June. Available at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/jun/08/marksspencer-retail [Accessed 12 September 2012].