Report on Sainsbury’s aims and objectives
Introduction: Below I have written about how Sainsbury’s met their sales targets. How the price war of the supermarket has affected Sainsbury’s and what they have changed to fight back. How Sainsbury’s have capitalized on their sales. How they are opening even more stores within different areas and how their profit is rising.
Sales and targets:
* The latest sales and targets which Sainsbury’s has met …show more content…
* The total sales included more floor space and we “were up 3.2% in the quarter”.
Price war:
* All the supermarkets are having a price war at the moment over their own branded products as they are selling them at cheaper prices and giving there consumers raw prices on larger packs. * Sainsbury’s as an organisation is setting quite a few sales targets that are to be achieved in a few years time. * The organisation is not achieving targets as yet but have set targets for the coming years e.g. stepping up the price war as a goal target of the year 2020, halving there packaging prices(using less packaging on their own products etc). * They have set 20 new targets which are all to be achieved by the year of 2020. * One of their most effective objectives is to have less food waste and less packaging on their own produce. * They also want to double their food sales by 2020 meaning to get more of their customers to buy more food than usual. * Other goals of Sainsbury’s include: To use recycled materials or ensure that the material is recyclable and to campaign to make recycling easier in the UK for consumers; …show more content…
* Sainsbury’s aim to capitalize on their sales has made them launch a scheme where they are going to do a price match to compete even more with the other supermarkets. * At Sainsbury’s they are now giving coupons to every customer who spends more than £20 and that coupon is for when they next shop at Sainsbury’s. * The coupons have a maximum value of £10.
New stores: * Sainsbury’s has also now opened another convenience store in Wolverhampton. * As in its aims they want to grow. Well by opening more stores they are succeeding in doing so. * There are now 2,209 stores owned by Sainsbury’s. * They are also looking to open one to two more a week in the future, this is also to grow and capitalize on sales which will lead to gaining the number one spot.
Increased amount of profit: * Sainsbury’s profit has climbed the ladder from pre-tax profits in the last year. * Customer levels have hit an all time high as the profit level from last was £827m and the previous year of 2010 it was £733m. * The Nectar card which Sainsbury’s invented is now being used also by EasyJet and British