Caninantics Automatic Doggie Sensor Dispenser
1. Overview of Company
The company that I will be endorsing is Caninantics, The product that I will use for my marketing plan will be the Automatic Doggie Sensor Dispenser. Caninantics is a start-up company that has created a new dog food dispensing product that will open canned dog food, dump the food into the dog bowl, and dispense the can. The company wants to start marketing this product and subsequently branch into other canine accessories by the end of this year (Kotler & Keller, 2012).
2. Market Research Strategies
Caninantics would like to start its market research by use of independent surveyors and/or focus groups to get their opinions about the pet dispenser invention that the company’s will be offering. We will also like to conduct telephone or mail surveys on the want and need of such a product. By using a mix of pet owners in varies focus group participation, we feel this method will gain more understand what pet owners are looking for. Caninantics understand that there may be some disadvantages when using the telephone and mail survey method. However, Caninantics want to become a regular household brand and this is another strategy to get the company’s name recognizable.
3. Analyzing Macro-environment-PEST Analysis Situational Analysis
Next step is to conduct a trend analysis. The macro environmental factors that Caninantics will take into consideration as it relates to the Automatic Doggie Sensor Dispenser are as follows:
Political trend
Economical trend
Social trend
Technological trends
PEST Analysis – Illustration of Key Market Forces
There are a large number of macro market issues and trends which directly or indirectly influence the Canintics pet dispenser market to name a few are both in the manufacturing and retail sectors. These issues typically relate to political, legal, economic, environmental, social and technological factors.
References: Brady, D., & Palmeri, C. P. (2007). The Pet Economy. Bloomberg L.P, 1-2. Chapman, & Alan. (1996). Pest market analysis tool. Retrieved November 07, 2014, from Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2012). Marketing management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.