I. Introduction
The Army Crew Team is in utter frustration since the team that consisted of the top 8 members with excellent strength and condition, rowing technique, and psychological dimension kept frequently losing the JV team before the national championship race. Facing with this problem, Coach P. hold a meeting with the team members to discuss about the problems among the team. Now on, he has to make a decision among the choices of switching the Varsity and Junior Varsity boat, switching individual boat members or intervening to improve the Varsity boat’s performance.
II. Problem identification
1. The members of Varsity don’t cooperate with each other and there are so many problems in the Varsity Team on the aspect of relationships, responsibilities, resources and rewards.
Relationships: No leader but some disrupters in the team. They do not communicate with each other.
Responsibilities: Team members just complained about others and don’t cooperate with each other.
Rewards: they do not care too much about winning.
2. The coach P. is not a good machine operator to complement each member with its strengths and advantages to improve the productivity of a whole team but just like a manager of a production line to combine each member together. He does not have the appropriate means to communicate with team members and motivate the team. And he should find the problem early.
III.Present options
1. Switch the boats or individuals members.
Pros: Replenish fresh blood for the team and promote the crisis consciousness of the Varsity Team, This action may also alleviate contradictions between the members of Varsity Team.
Cons: there are some risks of this action ahead of the Nationals. JV team may get worsened than its original team since Varsity team has physical advantages over JV team and they may do not want