The septic system serves as your home’s sewage treatment facility. If it fails to operate smoothly and effectively, it would primarily contaminate your water supply and environment - threatening your family’s health and safety.
To ensure a trouble-free plumbing system and extend its lifespan, it does not take much to keep an eye out for the following tips on septic maintenance:
Observe routine inspection and maintenance.
Contact a qualified professional to inspect and monitor the proper functioning of your septic system. Typically, the frequency of maintaining it ranges from 3 months to 3 years depending on the type of system. Be sure to keep track of the maintenance records on the work
performed by the septic specialist. Important details such as the scum levels found in your tank should be noted.
Pump and clean the septic tank.
Although the bacteria in the septic tanks are responsible for the decomposition of wastes, not all solid buildup is fully broken down. Hence, the need for a professional service to remove the sludge at the tank’s bottom. Septic cleaners make use of a septage waste transporter that hooks up to the septic system, pumps out its contents, and disposes it all safely away from the property. Typically, the frequency of septic pumping is done every three to five years based on the household size, wastewater discharged, volumes of solid wastes in wastewater and septic tank size.
Contact qualified professionals to tackle repair jobs.
Make sure to contact qualified and experienced septic specialists to handle the repair. This is to ensure no future problems will be encountered due to amateur workmanship.
Map out the septic system and locate its different components.