Contrast Essay
Baby Boomers and Millennials: Birds of a Feather at Odds Nancy Gibbs of Time magazine, in the article “Generation Next,” explains that the baby-boomers (ages 50-65) and the millennials (ages 19-29) have a great generational gap perceived by the young people of both eras. She points out how young people from both generations socialized, judged conventions and traditions, position their political and religious views, and the way millennials and baby boomers anticipate their future to be. She explains that a similar percentage of young people from both generations perceive a wide gap from their elders; however, Gibbs argues that the difference in the opinions between young and old people in the two generations is based in many divergent aspects (72). In fact, Gibbs discusses three …show more content…
To begin with, people from both the baby boomer and millennial generations perceived a wide generational gap; however, the circumstances influencing their opinions and behavior are very different. Gibbs states that 74% of the baby boomers and 79% of the millennials young people thought the gap between the younger and older generation to be wide. To illustrate this, she discusses that following the heyday of the hippie culture, during the 1970’s, with the bombing of Cambodia and the end of the Vietnam War, the then young baby boomers grew a strong sentiment of anti-war. As a result, they did not want any connection with the older generation of their time, becoming very hostile towards them. In contrast, she points out that the millenials were raised in an over protective environment causing them to feel somewhat isolated from others. Surprisingly, she writes that instead of the hostile reaction the baby boomers had towards their elders, the millenials grew very close to them. For example, she describes that nowadays college students check in frequently