relies on understanding. Differences in ideals cause for the understanding within families to become difficult. Secondly, generational gaps also exist within institutes such as schools.
For instance in Cox and Forkums cartoon, “What does D-Day mean to you?” (Cox), is written on the chalk board by a guest speaker who is a veteran. Multiple children respond in many different ways. “Droid Day”, replies a student, a Star Wars fanatic. The student wearing a Darth Vader mask misinterprets the meaning of D-Day. Another student replies by saying, “Dominos day”. This student is shown as an overweight adolescent immediately ponders about food. This shows the vast communication gap between the veteran and the students who fail to comprehend the gravity of his question. In actuality the veteran is referring the Dooms Day which took place in Normandy during World War II and turned the tides in favor of the Allies. If it were not for D-Day the world these students live in would very much be
different. Lastly, the most impactful place of generation gaps exists within the modern day workforce. The most converse ideology of two generations resides within the traditionalists, “Believe in Discipline” (Haywood) and “Break the rules”. The traditionalists believe in abiding the law while the baby boom generation believes in breaking the law. Clear opposites as such can cause chaos in workplace environment where rules and regulations are to be followed to maintain decorum. Another important factor of a successful business is communication. While traditionalists prefer, “Face to face,” communication, baby boomers who like to save time strongly employ the use of the “Telephone.” With two different methods of communication one involving technology and the other interpersonal contact, it is hard to find a common ground. Such differences cause conflicts due to both generations having different methods of communication. In order for a business to run smooth and efficiently, communication must be quick but detailed, simplest way to solve this conflict is through the use of email. Generational differences in ideology and approach cause conflict if every day routines for people of all ages. It is not necessary that generational conflicts must exist; many older generations are known to assimilate and modernize as time goes on. It is always true a generation gaps cause nothing but conflicts? Generational gaps and differing ideology are what cause different generations to communicate and understand the others viewpoints in families settings, schools lectures, and most importantly the workplace.