Baby boomer generations grew up as children during a period of post-Crisis affluence and grew up in the glow of success. They grew up at a time when America had beaten the Nazis and had beaten the Depression. The Prophets grew up into narcissistic adults who challenge the authority of their parents, the Heroes.
With increased educational, financial and social opportunities, the Boomer Generation is often portrayed as a generation of optimism, exploration and achievement. Compared with previous generations, more young adults pursued higher education or relocated away from family to pursue career and educational interests.
During the late 1940s and early 1950s, post-war optimism inspired a sense of stability, opportunity and prosperity—values commonly held by the middle class. This was the dawn of space exploration, accessible long-distance travel and prosperity for many Americans. However, with increasing racial tensions in the United States, the …show more content…
The Baby Boomer Generation witnessed and participated in some of the greatest social changes in the country’s history during the 1960s and 1970s with the Civil Rights Movement and the Women’s Movement. This generation experienced dramatic shifts in educational, economic and social opportunities.
We are currently in the middle of a Fourth Turning. During this period Old Artists disappear, Prophets enter elderhood, Nomads enter midlife, Heroes enter young adulthood—and a new generation of child Artists is born. This is a time of great turmoil, when society's basic institutions are torn down and rebuilt, and seemingly intractable problems are addressed. The apparently unsolvable financial dilemma of the country along with comprehension that Peak Oil has occurred will trigger the