truth is quite the opposite.
truth is quite the opposite.
At the same time, the definition of "overweight" includes normal-sized Americans and being fat is as disgraceful as being dirty.…
Body Mass Controversy in Society The article “Too ‘Close to the Bone’” written by Roberta Seid, and the article “Fat and Happy?” composed by Hillel Schwartz, both focus on the body. Seid’s article focuses on the thin body type and the mentality of those who have such. While Schwartz’s article focuses on the larger person and societies view of them. While both focus on certain bodily aspects seen in modern society, their viewpoints can differ.…
In the chapter, “The Cigarette” Satrapi uses a brilliant job of conducting image analysis within the reader by using extensive use of scale. One of the main ideas of this chapter is to describe how disgusted Satrapi is with the decisions the government is making: “When I think we could have avoided it all… It just makes me sick. A million people would still be alive.” (Satrapi 116) On this full page spread, Satrapi demonstrates her use of scale in multiple ways. First, Satrapi depicts a large amount of troops in the panel to stress to the reader just how many people died. As Satrapi told us in the the speech bubble at the bottom of the panel, it makes her sick that one million people have to die. Satrapi has gotten her idea of this across by showing a large number of people fighting in the panel to draw sympathy from the reader. Secondly, Satrapi makes this such a large panel to stress the importance of this topic to the readers. One million people dead is a big deal. Imagine all of…
The advertising of new products on the market is an excellent way to bring attention and get individuals to purchase them. A new product on the market that has been causing a lot of controversy is the e-cigarette, which is an electronic cigarette that "delivers nicotine to the lungs through a battery-operated vapor" (Fehling). This product in particular, has been the discussion of very prestigious federal industries in the United States. In this article about the "Advertising of E-cigarettes", the author argues that the advertising of these e-cigarettes should not be allowed by providing different sources of evidence which support their argument that e-cigarettes are extremely bad and harmful towards our society. In my opinion, the advertising and distribution of e-cigarettes should not be allowed because of their negative effects towards individuals.…
David Zinczenko is the editor-in-chief of Men’s Health magazine and the author of numerous best-selling books. Zinczenko is a man known for his work; his work and credibility shines bright because he has contributed op-ed essays to the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and USA Today. He has also appeared on Oprah, Ellen, 20/20, and Good Morning America. The fact that he is so accomplished in the area of eating healthy shows just how credible he is when it comes to discussing fast food vs. the eater. Zinczenko believes that the fast food industry is partly at fault for the growing rate of obesity. Although Zinczenko’s background and accomplishments gives us the evidence we need to know in order to trust his judgments, his emotional way of getting his points across make a difference as well. In the beginning of the essay, Zinczenko tells us about himself and how he grew up with troubled parents who weren’t together, and with very little options of what to eat for lunch and dinner every day. He explains that his options were mainly fast food, which caused him to be an overweight teenager. In other words, he uses his story of himself as a teenager growing up with family problems to draw people in and get them to sympathize with the overweight teenagers and get them to see that it is not all their fault and that it is, in fact, partly the fast food industry’s fault. One of his final arguments is that without warning labels on fast food industry products, we will see more sick, obese children and more angry parents.…
In Amanda Spake’s article, “Rethinking Weight”, and Daniel Heimpel’s article “Who Says Americans are Fat?”, the authors discuss underlying issues concerning weight, analyzing the the risks of obesity. They go beyond these risks to examine society’s perception of what is and isn’t obese to discuss where these problems begin and how we should go about ending them. Using facts and large amounts of data, these authors covey their positions in a logical and empirical manner, while at times weaving in their own opinions to persuade readers one way to the other. Although “Rethinking Weight” by Amanda Spake seems to share similar concerns and ideas with “Who Says Americans are Fat?” by Daniel Heimpel, there are significant differences…
* How might the ‘fat’ body be seen as a threat to ‘acceptable’ norms of behavior?…
In the last 20 years, there has been a substantial increase in obesity in the United States and the rates continue to remain significantly high. More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) and approximately 17% of children are considered obese (Overweight). According to WebMD a person is considered obese when his or her weight is 20% or more above normal weight. The most common consequences of obesity are the health risks associated with it such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, but there are also social and psychological problems that result from it as well. These social and psychological problems caused by obesity might be even more detrimental to a person than the physical effects associated with it. The levels of stigma rise along with weight, and affect both people's working and social lives. Fifty-two percent of people who fell into the obese or morbidly obese categories believe they have been discriminated against when applying for a job or promotion and about two-fifths of them said they have been socially shunned. In addition, 36 percent said they felt they had been discriminated against when being seated in theaters or restaurants (Gardner). “The reaction of Americans to a fat person, particularly one who is more than 25 percent to 35 percent above the so-called ideal weight, is so intense and so overwhelmingly negative that some scientists are exploring it as a window on the raw material of human nature” (Angier). As the obesity rates in the United States continue to grow, so does the discrimination against this community. More states are becoming aware of this issue and realizing the affect it has on their communities. Vermont in particular is very aware of the negative effects of obesity. Vermont officials have put into place numerous programs to promote good health and exercise to try and eliminate the rise of childhood and adult obesity. Rather than…
The controversy around this topic is based on the arguments of why obesity rates are high. There are many arguments made on this topic that will be introduced and analyzed. But first, there are many key terms that the average person might not fully understand. The first term examined is body mass index or “BMI.” BMI is a measurement that is used to deem someone as being underweight or overweight. To calculate someone’s BMI you divide a person’s mass(kg) by their height(m2) ( The BMI chart lists as follows: very severely underweight less than 15, severely underweight from 15.0 to 16.0, underweight from 16.0 to 18.5, normal (healthy weight)from 18.5 to 25, overweight from 25 to 30, obese class I (moderately obese)from 30 to 35, obese class II (severely obese)from 35 to 40, obese class III (very severely obese)over 40 ( The next term is one that is often used is “overweight.” This is a term used to designate the area between normal weight and obese. Overweight means having a BMI from 25 to 30. The next term is “obese”, which means a person has a BMI over 30. In…
Alison Motluk believes that people who are obese shouldn 't be to blame for their obesity. (562). Motluk claims that “In 1992 about 13 percent of Americans were clinically obese...ten years later that figure skyrocketed to 22 percent...” (562). Many other countries such as the UK, Australia, and many other Western countries are following the United States lead in the obese epidemic, which is seen as one of the developed world 's biggest public-health problems. (563). Motluk claims that people who are obese can 't actually be blamed for it because the culture in the United States promotes obesity which makes unhealthy eating the default option. (563). Motluk quotes Martin Brinks, a psychologist at Duke University 's Diet and Fitness Center, when she states that calorie rich foods are much more easier to obtain than ever before. (563). This is proven by the fact that most of the average American 's food budget is spent on food that is eaten outside of the home, most of which is high in fat and calories. (563). Portion sizes are larger than they used to be, making the consumer want to eat more. (563). In the 1960s a McDonald 's meal of a hamburger, fries, and a twelve-ounce coke contained about 590 calories but now a quarter-pounder with cheese, super sized fries, and a coke contains around 1,550 calories. (563). This really goes to show how much of a change that America has done when considering diet. Motluk provides a valid argument that children are not receiving enough physical activity to balance the amount of calories that they are consuming. (563). In schools, many children do not even participate in a gym class. (563). There is also little to no walking access anymore in towns that are very developed because there are little to no sidewalks available, thus forcing people to drive…
Throughout America and all across the world you can find a fast-food franchise such as…
An Epidemic of O besity Myths The Center for Consumer Freedom Obesity Myths.indd A1 11/29/2005 11:59:17 AM An Epidemic of Obesity Myths Obesity Myths.indd A5 11/29/2005 11:59:29 AM An Epidemic of Obesity Myths Obesity Myths.indd A7 11/29/2005 11:59:29 AM Copyright © 2005 by The Center for Consumer Freedom The Center for Consumer Freedom is a nonprofit coalition supported by restaurants, food companies, and consumers, working together to promote personal responsibility and protect consumer choices. All rights reserved.…
Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and disease in the United States, which annually is the cause of death for more than 480,000 Americans. Recent studies have proven that anti-smoking ads are an effective way to substantially decrease the number of smokers in the United States. As most people know, smoking is a very dangerous and life threatening habit, but what some people are unaware of is the detrimental effects that it can have on a person’s life. Graphic advertisements show people the gruesome effects of smoking and how they can alter your life. Through these advertisements, people are shown different diseases and other problems that are a result of smoking. Anti-smoking advertisements discourage people from smoking and…
Just thinking about unhealthy food makes most Americans mouth water. Obesity in the U.S has become a huge problem in recent years. America's obesity epidemic has hit a new high with 35 percent of obesity among men and 40.4 percent among women in 2013-2014. Most Americans feel embarrassed to even walk next to an obese person or even go near them without feeling claustrophobic. Obese people are an embarrassment to society and are making America look like an unhealthy place to live.…
The tobacco industry has not helped women on the issue of weight. The tobacco industry has also used women of slim size rather than using women of a more natural size. In the 1920s Lucky Strikes cigarettes capitalized on this mentality of women by advertising their cigarette with the power to stay slim by smoking. Lucky Strikes used slogans like “Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet” to market the cigarette to women who are self-conscious. Lucky Strikes also used imagery portraying a woman who is thin with the shadow of a fat woman to demonstrate that Lucky’s cigarettes are healthy. Although there have been several advertisements throughout the decades showcasing thin and attractive women in cigarette advertisements, rarely any make direct…