In the cinematic adaptation of Shawshank Redemption by Rita Hayworth there are several significant changes seen in moments by Stephen King's story and Darabont's film version. The first moment that captured the difference between the story and film is when a young convict named Tommy comes to Shawshank prison who later expresses to Andy that he knows what really happen to Andy's wife and lover is suddenly killed by the warren in the movie. However, in the story it says "Tommy Williams is no longer an inmate of this facility" which indicates that Tommy might not have been killed and instead was transferred to another prison. The second moment is when Brooks a prisoner who has been locked for fifty years is rewarded parole but died..." in a home…
Mcmurphy breaking the picture window was a turning point in the story. The picture window was a prized possession of Nurse Ratched. It was the difference between her and the patients. She was on one side of the window while the patients were on the more unfortunate side. In a therapy session, R.P breaks the window, in the movie and in the novel, to get cigarettes. The glass breaking wasn't only a turning point in the story, but also for Mcmurphy. McMurphy became a larger than life character to the patients.…
After the civil right movement, films such as Unforgiven, Posse, Silverado, and even Django Unchained paid tribute to a 1970’s Blaxploitation era. Still movies like Unforgiven, Silverado, and Posse had black leads dying, but they died in a more heroic form. The 1993 film Posse reversed the skin color of the actors from the film The Wild Bunch. The film is basically a re-vision of the film The Wild Bunch. The film Posse is also a contemporary western settings, classic west themes, classic firearms, and ideas, but staring black actors now. Also to note, rapper Big Daddy Kane’s character Father Time soon posing as Ku Klux Klan member, to rescue his group from trouble. Father Time may have got this scene from another famous film from the…
We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself.” - Lloyd Alexander [3].…
There were many significant historical references in the movie Forrest Gump. Forrest Gumps was named after the leader of the Ku Klux Klan. Forrest also met with many famous people. And last but not least, Forrest served for president Nixon. Forrest was involved in many historical events and met with many historical figures.…
Will Hunting was mandated to attend therapy by the juvenile court system. He saw five therapists with whom he failed to connect, prior to seeing Sean Maguire. He terminated himself from some of his previous therapy sessions. Two of his therapists walked out on him. Will accused his first therapist of being gay and sabotaged his second therapy by pretending to be hypnotized.…
For me, there is nothing I enjoy more (almost) than reviewing indie films. I am one that seeks out those who could benefit from the extra promotion, and although it can be difficult to sometimes squeeze it into my schedule, I am happy to help when I can. And that is exactly how I feel with The Hunt. This is an independent film, and it just so happens that Kyle Smithers, director of this film, was kind enough to give me the chance to review it. And the fact that it stars Rick Ravanello, one of my favorite actors (and people, for that matter), makes this particular review even more gratifying.…
Many films have come and gone without audiences remembering even the title of the film. However, Ang Lee's film Brokeback Mountain (2005) (BKM, exp. 1) is a controversial film that stuck different emotions among viewers such as, “'Gay cowboy movie' shatters stereotypes” (Clinton, sec. 2) with two handsome young cowboys Ennis Del Mar (Heath Ledger) and Jack Twist (Jake Gyllenhaal) who fall in love, which is not viewer’s typical western genre expectation. While Ang Lee's, Brokeback Mountain, will remain an important piece of cinema now and one hundred years in the future because, the genre of the film makes it memorable to audiences, stimulating cinematography and sound, the incredible use of mise-en-scene, and the film not conforming to America's ideology.…
Good Will Hunting is a movie with an all-star cast including Matt Damon, Robin Williams, and Ben Affleck just to name a few. Matt Demon plays the main character Will Hunting while Robin Williams and Ben Affleck play supporting roles as a psychology professor and best friend. The movie introduces Will as a janitor at MIT that is much smarter than he lets on. In fact, Will Hunting is a mathematical genius. Stellan Skarsgard plays a professor at MIT named Gerald Lambeau. Professor Lambeau decided to put an unsolved equation outside his classroom for his students to try and figure out but it was Will who solved it in just a few short minutes. For obvious reasons, this caught Professor Lambeau’s eye.…
I choose Forrest Gump as a historical movie. The movie was about a young man with a mental disability that goes through this major event in the 1960 – 1970s not only that but it was kind of romantic. Though out the entire movie, Forrest seems to be going along with the time line in his life looking for his first true love Jenny. Mean while she is living it out as a hippie tagging along with the wrong crowd and as for Forrest he maintains hope that one day she will love him. Not only that but the events that he lived in leads him to become a war hero and a billionaire. In the end he realize that life keeps on going as a “destiny or floating alike a breeze”.…
One of the main characters in the movie Good Will Hunting, Will, starts off as smart mouth, joking young guy that hangs out with his 3 best friends fighting and drinking.. He works at MIT as a janitor and starts secretly solving hard theorems put on a chalk board in a hallway that “only one or two people in the world knew how to solve” (Van). Will was really smart, in the beginning of the movie it shows him reading big books. While at a college bar he stands up for a friend by showing how smart he is and tells a guy that he is getting an over priced education that he could “have gotten at the public library for 1.50 in late charges” (Van). Will beats up the guy that use to pick on him in kindergarten, and gets arrested for assault on an officer. He tries to overturn his case by defending himself and stating property rights and the constitution. But this judge put him into jail unlike every other judge.…
If you’ve never seen the film ‘Forrest Gump,' you need to clear a couple hours and experience it! This film won six Oscars, sort of hard to say you would be wasting your time. Most people enjoy the memorable catch phrases and the flash from the past journey it takes through the twentieth century. However, a principal character “Jenny," whom Forrest falls deeply in love with upon first sight, may become your least favorite character. The movie ‘Forrest Gump’ can leave the audience with mixed emotions indeed!…
The movie, “The Breakfast Club,” by John Hughes takes place at a high school in Illinois, where 5 kids have to come in on a Saturday for detention. These kids are all teenagers going through different walks of life, under the responsibility of a “power-hungry” teacher. At the beginning of the movie, the kids start out practically hating all of each other. As the movie progresses, the kids begin to tell their stories, and you begin to know a little bit about each person. You begin to learn why the kids ended up in the detention in the first place and it makes what each think about the other a little different. Firstly, you have Andrew, the jock, who is there because he bullied a former teammate to try and impress his father. He realizes that…
In his article "Hidden Intellectualism," Gerald Graff criticizes those that do not put value into "street smarts." Graff insists that knowledge goes far beyond academic learning and continues into the everyday world.…
George is the main character and the movie starts off when he was little. George and his older brother were sledding down a hill with some friends and there was a thin part in the ice that George's brother sled into and fell in the water, George jumped into save him and as a result he lost his hearing in one ear. Later in life George takes over the banks due to his father becoming ill on George's and Mary's wedding night. In 1929 when the Great Depression or Black Tuesday when the stock market crashed crippling the US and world Economy. George tries to keep the bank open and help people by giving their honeymoon money and bank money to people. When his uncle takes over the bank he loses the banks money and Mr.Potter who wants to own the town and the bank. When George's uncle loses the money…