Good Will Hunting
One of the main characters in the movie Good Will Hunting, Will, starts off as smart mouth, joking young guy that hangs out with his 3 best friends fighting and drinking.. He works at MIT as a janitor and starts secretly solving hard theorems put on a chalk board in a hallway that “only one or two people in the world knew how to solve” (Van). Will was really smart, in the beginning of the movie it shows him reading big books. While at a college bar he stands up for a friend by showing how smart he is and tells a guy that he is getting an over priced education that he could “have gotten at the public library for 1.50 in late charges” (Van). Will beats up the guy that use to pick on him in kindergarten, and gets arrested for assault on an officer. He tries to overturn his case by defending himself and stating property rights and the constitution. But this judge put him into jail unlike every other judge.
He thinks it’s a joke when he gets released to a professor to do math and go to a therapist. Will finishes the work like it was very simple. Also he screws around and makes five different therapist leave, till the proffessr asks his old college roommate, Sean to do it. Their first meeting Will angers him a lot and that leads to their second meeting of just sitting there and neither of them speaking. Will continues to do the math and hang out with his friends going out for drinks and he also starts getting close to a girl from the college bar, Skyler. Will is very playful with Skyler on their first date. When Sean visits with Will in the park and tells him hes not confident but a scared little boy, which makes Will think.
Will continues to meet with Sean and Skyler and he gets to know more about them. After a while when Skyler asks if Will would go to California with her and she asks him what he is scared of and he gets very angry, yells at her and tells her he doesn’t love her. The next day he gets mad at the