In the midst of a difficult times in Will Blooms life caused by his father’s embellished stories, Will learns that eventually. The running theme of the entire movie “Big Fish” was stories; the stories told by Edward at every occasion, the story told by Will about his father telling stories and most importantly the story of their lives. Will and Edward’s relationship was defined by the stories Edward had started telling Will as a child and then proceeded to integrate into his life even as he reached adulthood. Will was not at all pleased by his father’s storytelling and referred to it as drawing too much attention to him.
This created a large gap between Will and Edward after Edward had toasted Will at his wedding with yet another story about himself which he referred to as the “Big Fish” story about Will’s birth. Promptly after the toast Will pulled his father aside and remarked “You’re embarrassing yourself, Dad. You just don’t see it” (Screenplay, 2003). This marked a 3 year period in which the father and son did not communicate directly. This obviously had a large impact on Will’s idea of his father after the pent up anger had been released the night of the wedding. The pent up anger released on the wedding night shows the built up frustration from Will’s childhood up until the night of. This occurrence on the wedding night lead up to Will and his father not speaking until Edward got really sick.
Will begins by stating the impact the absence of his father has had on his life and how “He was gone more than he was here…”