I am predicting that Katie will end up falling in love with Alex. Even though she is scared, she will learn to see that not all guys are abusers and cruel like her past husband. Where I left off in my novel, Katie just went to the beach with Alex and his two kids. She tells her friend Jo, “Weren’t you listening? He was bringing his kids to the beach and he invited me along. It wasn’t a date (Sparks 97).” Jo then argues with her that she knows she wanted it to be a date. I also predict they will go on more dates that lead to their falling in love. Jo says, “And, of course, you had a great weekend.” Katie paused. “Yeah,” she said. “I did (Sparks 99).” These all add evidence that Katie will spend more time and all in love with …show more content…
In Will Grayson, Will Grayson the boyfriend Will Grayson always seems to question Tiny about how he can love someone like him. He seems to put himself down and try to push Tiny away by offering bad ideas of his life. I do not understand why he would do that if he likes Tiny a lot and wants to date him. A logical answer would have to do something with Will’s depression and mental health. It is clear that he is not emotionally stable about life. Maybe he says those nasty comments about himself to Tiny to see how Tiny reacts. It could be a test to see if Tiny will still like him, even though he has an illness. It could also be to get positive feedback from his boyfriend. Since he does not have high self-esteem, he could be fishing for confidence boosters. All of these help clear up why Will acts the way he