Gregor Samsa in “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka
“The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka is a novel in which Gregor Samsa is the main character.
Gregor is also the protagonist in the story. “The Metamorphosis” is a depiction of Gregor’s life
and how he transforms from a human into a bug. In the novel, it describes the journey and
struggle he has been through. Most people don’t turn into bugs, but a lot of people may be able
Gregor had many feelings towards life and how he viewed it. Not only was he very alone and
afraid that he had turned into a bug, but he was alienated by all of his family and the people
around him. I think that sometimes people feel alienated from others because they’re different;
that’s how Gregor …show more content…
When Gregor’s mother and Grete start to clean and clear out
his room, Gregor panics when they started taking out furniture, like the writing desk he
remembers doing all his work at as a boy. To try to save, and hold on to as much of his
humanity as Gregor can, he attaches himself to the picture of the woman muffled in fur so no
one will try and take it away from him. Many people are like Gregor, and try to hold on to the
past and memories as much as possible. I know that when I go out of town or over to
someone’s house, I always bring my pillow because it reminds me of home. Many things in this
world can be a minor thing to one person, but a key component or reminder to another’s life.
Gregor Samsa was a very strong person and had little personality change. Throughout his
life, he had many trials; he tried as hard as he could to persevere in a different body. Gregor
shows a great example of how even though life can get tough, always try to keep a positive
attitude and to try and not give up. There will be changes in your life that could be detrimental,
but we must try to embrace it. Always be the best you can be and when people put you down
for being different, stick up for