The first thing to notice about the style of ths poem is the rymeing cuplets; we hear "hold" and "gold", then "flower" and "hour" then "leaf" and "greif" and finally "day" and "stay". The rhyme scheme follows an AABBCCDD. Nothing Gold Can Stay does tell a story, however it is not a narritive.
Nothing Gold Can Stay is not an obvious title, it sounds more like a quote that would have a deeper meaning. It doesn't quite tell what the …show more content…
Flowers will wither and die, children will grow up, all people will eventually die. However, flowers may die but they will bloom again next year, and children will ggrow up and die but there children will live on. Once you realize how precious some moments are you'll appreciate them even more.
Not eveything will last forever so you cant take it for granted. (exept 'pi'. 3.14 shall live on forevaaaaa)
Nothing Gold Can Stays' rhyming couplets were "hold" and "gold," then "flower" and "hour," then "leaf" and "grief," and finally, "day" and "stay." The rhyme scheme is AABBCCDD. The poem is written in iambic trimeter (three iambs in every line).
The poem uses imagry to describe how the leaf looks in its stages transitioning from gold to green.
In the poem talks about leaves resembleing gold in the early morning, and how after those few moments are up the leaf goes back to being green.
In the line "Her early leafs a flower" we see an example of figueative language used by the speaker to intetionally blur the line bettween flowers and leaves, for the flowers of spring aern't actually leaves in