Standing Broad Jump (SBJ) is a test for muscular power of the lower extremities, coordination of the upper and lower extremities, and a person’s ability to jump horizontal distances. The SBJ is a test station that has been used in official fitness tests in Singapore and has one of the higher failure rate (Wai Kit. L, 2014).
There are many components that contribute to jump performance; velocity of the centre - of - gravity (CG) at take - off, jumping technique, and magnitude of force produced (Ashby, B., & Heegaard, J., 2002). Many studies have been done to determine the best movement and training to achieve maximal distance. Previous studies have shown the relationship between arm movement and it’s positive effect on jumping …show more content…
The participant was informed of the experimental procedures and gave her consent before experiment. Warm - up included both static and dynamic stretching and was performed before the test.
In order to ensure consistency during analysis, coloured markers were attached directly to the greater trochanter (hip joint), lateral tibial plateau (knee joint) and lateral malleolus (ankle joint) on the right side of the participant’s body. In addition, static calibration was done before each jump. The sagittal plane of the jumps were filmed at a frame rate of 120 frames per second. The participant was instructed to perform four jumps at maximal effort, each with a different number of arm swings before take - off. The participant started with no arm swing, followed by one, three and five arm swing(s). For each jump, the participant was instructed to stand on the SBJ mat with her toes just behind the take - off line at the starting position. Measurements were taken from the SBJ mat, at the back of the shoe where the participant landed. The distance of jump was recorded as shown in Table 1. The kinematic aspect of the jump and angle between the greater trochanter, lateral tibial plateau and lateral malleolus, just before the ball of the feet leave the ground were determined using the software Silicon …show more content…
Without taking the jump with three swings into consideration, all the other number of swings had nearly the same knee angle prior to take - off (± 2.5°). The velocity prior to take - off increased with the number of arm swings, and in turn a greater jump distance. This also proves that arm swing has a positive effect on jump distance. This is in line with past studies like (Ashby & Heegaard, 2002) and (Wen - Lan Wu et. al., 2003), and can conclude that jump distance can be improved by increasing the velocity prior to take - off through the swinging of