The short story “Super-Toys Last All Summer Long” from 1969 by Brian Aldiss is about a futuristic family, who lives in a science-fiction world. The family members consists of Monica and Henry Swinton, their son David, and his toy, Teddy. The Swinton family live in an overpopulated world, packed with lonely people, who are accompanied by intelligent “Super-Toys”. Henry Swinton’s job is to develop these toys, which are created to ease the loneliness of the people living in their world.
While Henry is busy at work, Monica stays home with David and Teddy. David is said to be quite troublesome for Monica, and it is mentioned that he is often taken to a psychiatrist. While Monica is struggling at home with David, Henry is giving a speech about a new robotic toy, which is soon to be released. When he arrives home after his speech, he is hugged and kissed by his wife, because they have won the parenthood lottery.
In the beginning of the story when Monica is chasing David, she says “I tried to love him” which is quite surprising at first, but by the end of the story we are told that David is not real. He is just another machine meant to keep Monica company, therefore they decide to “send him back to the factory” when they win the parenthood lottery.
Monica is a 29 year old woman, and she is the wife of Henry.
The character of Monica is described as a very lonely person. The reason for this may be that she isolates herself from the real world. On the first line of the story it says "In Mrs.Swinton's garden it is always summer" which is associated with a good thing. However, none of it is real. This may be a reason for her depression, as she never feels the joy of achievement through hard work. Everything is handed to her on a silver platter.
David is the “Super-toy son” of Monica and Henry. He is described as “awful” by Monica, and she mentions that she cannot love him. David is quite