Executive Summary
Tempeh is originally from Indonesia. Tempeh was found on the 16th century in Java Island, Indonesia. Nowadays, tempeh becomes more popular in western country as a low-cost nutritious food. Tempeh is contained high of nutrition such as protein, fibre, isoflavones, and Vitamin B that can give health benefits to human being. Vegetarians are using tempeh as meats substitute. They usually cooked tempeh as Indonesian traditional foods or create it as steak tempeh, burger tempeh and the others type of foods. The price of tempeh is relatively cheap. Tempeh can be an alternative way to resolve the food crisis problem in Africa. In environmental aspect, soybean agriculture, the basic ingredients of tempeh, becomes a big issue due to leads to the damage of soil fertility and land degradation. Tempeh production is not complicated. Tempeh can be made by using low-technology so everyone can make their own tempeh in their home. SWOT analysis is provided in this report.
Soybeans have been a significant source of protein, fat and flavour for eastern people for many years. There are a great number of foods were made from soybeans. There are four most popular foods that made from soybeans, which are miso, shoyu (soy sauce), tempeh, and tofu. The fermented foods, miso and shoyu, supply amino acids to the diet, they give more in flavour than in nutrition. Tofu that contain high of protein and fat, give a big contribution to
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