The narrator of this story is a 12-year-old girl who has gone to London with her mother to visit the dentist. After that they go to a café. When it's time to go home, the rain starts and they have no umbrella. While they're watching for a cab, an old gentleman sheltering under an umbrella approaches them. He asks for a favor. The old man explains that he has forgotten his wallet and would like to sell them his umbrella in return for taxi fare back to his home. The umbrella seemed to be expensive and the transaction has been made.
The daughter notices that the old man has quickly crossed the street and is hurrying away. They decide to follow him. Eventually they find themselves at a pub called "The Red Lion" and watch through the window as the old man enters and uses the pound note to pay for a triple whiskey.
They watch as the old man finishes his drink and goes to retrieve his coat and hat. Just before he leaves the pub, he gets a wet umbrella from the coat rack and takes it with him. They see him head back to the main street and sell the umbrella to another unsuspecting person. Then he heads off in another direction for another pub.
Speaking about the message of the story I should say it tells us not to judge people by their looks.
Let me pass over to the text analysis.
The whole simplicity of the plot as well as the language is what I liked about 'The Umbrella Man' most. I think author wanted to approach the language and feelings of 12 year old girl. There are only three important characters in this short story. Roald Dahl is able to effectively give a clear image of his characters, by his descriptions of their physical appearance, and the way