work, time, and dedication they put in every single day and night for the college they are playing for. These various actions that the college athletes make certainly take away from their educational opportunities, which is not right or fair in any way. Others will argue against this point believing that the college athletes should not get paid. These individuals state that it should not change, that the college athletes are not professional so they do not deserve to be paid, or that they are receiving pay through a scholarship. If college athletes are to be paid, then several argue that it takes away their amatuer status and tunrs them into professionals. Also, others will argue that college is an educational opportunity for the athletes, meaning that school needs to be their priority. Paying the athletes would then put athletics first and school second. In 1906, the NCAA was founded.
The NCAA is in charge of several sports from basketball and football to wrestling and golf. The NCAA is in charge of three various divisions, which are based on the size and success of the school. With this issue, many sports analysts have started to make their very own statements on it. Michael Wilbon is a sports analyst for ESPN, when debating about whether college athletes should be paid or not, Wilbon wrote in an article, “The best college athletes in the two revenue-producing sports have always been worth much more than tuition, room, board and books. … Yet, no player can benefit from that work. The players have become employees of the universities and conferences as much as students -- employees with no compensation, which not only violates common decency but perhaps even the law” (Wilbon). People need to understand the great amount of unfairness that college athletes have been enduring. The NCAA is making millions of dollars off of these college athletes, and these college athletes are simply not receiving one penny of it. The NCAA is not treating their college athletes right in the slightest bit, but could arguably be violating the law, as well. Therefore, college athletes should be paid because of their diligent efforts for the