For example, the one woman who has no hair. She first appears completely bald, no makeup, with a huge smile, she looks so happy, confident and beautiful. In next minute she is wearing full make-up and wig. She does not the same person. She still looks beautiful but she is not the same beauty as before when she was liberated, showing who she really is.All the women appear happier as they strip themselves of the products. In the end of the song lyrics are, “Wait a second, why should you care what they think of you, when you’re all alone by yourself, do you like you?” . These lyrics are the most powerful of the video song because the women are happier when they are all natural, not trying to impress anyone. Some of the women even crying, in a sense, being liberated from society’s pressure to be beautiful be putting on a fake face instead of feeling beautiful the way they are. In conclusion, this is song always gives me gush-bump. I feel like this is about myself. This song reflects my life in my head about personal insecurities, self-confidence issue and
For example, the one woman who has no hair. She first appears completely bald, no makeup, with a huge smile, she looks so happy, confident and beautiful. In next minute she is wearing full make-up and wig. She does not the same person. She still looks beautiful but she is not the same beauty as before when she was liberated, showing who she really is.All the women appear happier as they strip themselves of the products. In the end of the song lyrics are, “Wait a second, why should you care what they think of you, when you’re all alone by yourself, do you like you?” . These lyrics are the most powerful of the video song because the women are happier when they are all natural, not trying to impress anyone. Some of the women even crying, in a sense, being liberated from society’s pressure to be beautiful be putting on a fake face instead of feeling beautiful the way they are. In conclusion, this is song always gives me gush-bump. I feel like this is about myself. This song reflects my life in my head about personal insecurities, self-confidence issue and