Analyzing a Web Page
When using the internet for research, you want your information from your sources to be reliable, persuasive and credible. You have to evaluate each source carefully for credibility. It is very important to enter the correct search information, or you might find yourself drowning in web pages and links that are not reliable or credible. As I researched sources for human services resources to analyze, I found a site on Elder Care. This paper will analyze the credibility of this web page on Elder Care - Overcoming the challenges of long term elder care website (2009) at http://www.aging-parents-and-elder based on the tutorial video provided by (Widener University Wolfgram Memorial Library, 2011).
The Purpose of the Informational Web Page After carefully referring to the 4 criteria that was discussed in the presentation of Evaluating Web Pages (Widener University Wolfgram Memorial Library, 2011), it was actually discovered that the web page is an informational site. The purpose of an informational web page is to offer truthful information. These URL addresses will usually end in .edu or .gov; many of these pages are sponsored by educational institutions or government agencies and other factual information such as reports, presentations of research, or information about a topic, Alexander & Tate (2005).
The Value and Relevance of this site to Clients The value of this website to the clients is user friendly for the elderly and the website is easy to operate. The Elder Care (2009) website appears to be professional and well maintained. The home page is simple and to the point. The site has its navigation tabs across the top of the page that leads to other features and resources on this page. There are two advertisements on the right hand side in the margin area, a Free Referral Service and a Medical Supply Company. The information is visible and simple as point and click on the tab with the information you are researching. On the home page, the search engine box could be larger and better positioned for viewing. Most web pages start out with the search of who we are and introducing the organization and or staff, but the Aging Parents and Elder Care (2009) site starts with the first steps of elder care. The relevance of this website to clients is appeal to the client. When designing a website, you want to attract the client to your website. In order to attract clients, you must address the issues that affect the family caregivers who are usually the primary caregiver. Provide helpful advice and stay away from the self-promotional tone. This site walks the client through the steps and it provides who, what, when and where of elder care. Informational pertaining to elder care can be found on this website.
Quality in the Information In an Internet video, Evaluate Web Pages (2011) states that [the internet can be a great source for research papers if used properly]. In order to validate the authenticity of an informational website, the website would have to meet the four criteria’s mentioned in the video, Evaluate Web Pages (2011). Authority, Accuracy, Currency and Objectivity are the criteria that should be met for a reliable and trustworthy website. Authority presents a reliable source of information or the expertise the author has in the subject. The Aging Parents and Elder Care (2009), website is secured by Data Encrypted Network Solution. It has the name of the publishing company and the copyright date on the bottom of each page. There is an Eldercare Link on every page that leads to another site sponsored by Aging Parents and Elder Care (2009) website. The contact information is accessible which also helps to verify the sites legitimacy.
Accuracy, is the information within the website verifiable? Is it factual, complete information and can it be verified in another source? According to aging Parents and Elder Care (2009), the sources are verifiable, factual and complete. The information in this site can actually be found in the government site for the elderly also. The website is free of grammar, spelling and typographical errors which gives the site accuracy. This site is an informational site and the information is updated frequently. The currency of this website has a written date, the publishing company’s name which gives validity to the information on this website Alexander & Tate (2005). The material on this site is for informational purposes only, and is intended as a supplement, not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by a qualified health care provider (Aging Parents and Elder Care, 2009). It is not subject to bias, and neither is the website trying to persuade you. The information given is just that information and there are advertisement but only for a referral service and a link to Eldercare. The objectivity of the website is to put the information out about the Aging Parents and Elder Care (2009) website. Give the clients and caregivers a choice of who has the most reliable and credible website and the resources that will accommodate the client. We need to take and recognize the four criteria that make analyzing a webpage credible as outlined by Alexander & Tate (2005). By using the criteria to evaluating web pages, it could very well keep you from using illicit material in your research papers and receiving a failing grade. The quality in information will always rely on authority, accuracy, currency and objectivity. These are the four criteria that give credibility to reliable information
References Aging Parents and Elder Care. (2009). Elder Care - Overcoming the challenges of long term elder care. Retrieved February 11, 2012, from
Alexander, J. & Tate, M. (2005). How to recognize an informational web page. Widener University Wolfgram Memorial Library. Retrieved February 12, 2012, from
Widener University Wolfgram Memorial Library (2011, July 27). Evaluate Web Pages [Video file]. Retrieved February 13, 2012, from Widener University website:
References: Aging Parents and Elder Care. (2009). Elder Care - Overcoming the challenges of long term elder care. Retrieved February 11, 2012, from Alexander, J. & Tate, M. (2005). How to recognize an informational web page. Widener University Wolfgram Memorial Library. Retrieved February 12, 2012, from Widener University Wolfgram Memorial Library (2011, July 27). Evaluate Web Pages [Video file]. Retrieved February 13, 2012, from Widener University website: