Note about the purpose of this Study Guide:
This study guide is to help you be aware of the information you’ll need to know to earn an A* on the Unit Exam for my class. I have also noted the related objectives that may be tested on during the Cambridge Exam at the end of the year.
Cambridge Themes and Key Questions Addressed:
Theme 1: Government and the People 1754–2000
Key Question 1: How did Americans develop the U.S. political system during the period from 1754 to 1865?
Why did relations between the British and the colonists deteriorate before 1776?
How was the Constitution created?
The writings of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Tom Paine
The Revolutionary War: political and military leadership, military events, and their consequences 1775-83
Theme 2: Who Are Americans?
Key Question 1: How far did the economic, social, and political status of Native Americans change from 1754 to 2000?
Theme 4: America and the World 1754–2010
Key Question 1: How were the borders of the nation defined by 1853?
How important was the role of France in shaping the borders of U.S.A.?
To what extent were war and diplomacy with Britian important in defining U.S. borders?
Direct Tax
Indirect Tax
Monarchy (and hereditary monarchy)
Tar & Feathering
Mercantilism: forerunner to imperialism; colonies help a mother country become self-sufficient and wealthy; idea that no great nation can exist without colonies; economic nationalism; limit imports from other countries but encourage exports to other countries KEY PEOPLE/GROUPS: Know who they are, what they did, and why they are important.
King George III
First Continental Congress (know when they met, why, and what they did)
Second Continental Congress (know when they met, why, and what they did)
Continental Army (when were they created, who commanded them, where the soldiers came from)
Minute Men
Red Coats
Sons of Liberty
Paul Revere
Thomas Paine John Locke
Benjamin Franklin
George Washington John Hancock
Richard Henry Lee
Thomas Jefferson John Adams John Dickenson
General Howe
Lord Cornwallis
Benedict Arnold (what is his name synonymous with?)
Baron Von Steuben
SIGNIFICANT EVENTS: Know the reasons for, the main people involved, and/or the results/significance of the event.
French and Indian War
Proclamation of 1763 American reactions to Sugar Act and Stamp Act
Quartering Act of 1765
Declaratory Act (what was it and how did the Americans react)
Townshend Acts (just know where the $ was going and that all parts of it were repealed except ONE know which)
Tea Act
Coercive/Intolerable Acts (What did they do and how did the colonists react)
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
Lexington and Concord
Bunker Hill (just know the winner, the significance of the battle, and the time period in relation to other battles) Writing and ratification of the Declaration of Independence
Saratoga (just know the winner, the significance of the battle, and the time period in relation to other battles)
French-American Alliance formed
Winter at Valley Forge
Yorktown (just know the winner, the significance of the battle, and the time period in relation to other battles)
Treaty of Paris 1783 (what was decided here)
Olive Branch Petition
Thomas Paine’s
Common Sense
Dunmore’s Proclamation What were the arguments for and against the Declaration of Independence?
(Look back at Thomas Paine’sCommon Sense and John Dickinson’s Speech Against Independence.
There is also a great article online that reviews reasons for and against!)
The Declaration of Independence What inspired the Declaration? (Whose ideas provided inspiration? What type of ideas were these?) What are the three parts of the Declaration? Who wrote it? Who was on the committee to help edit it? When and how was the document officially ratified? Who voted on it? Where? Did anyone vote against it?
What did the colonists have in common with one another before the Revolution? What ideas were very important to them?
England’s reasons/defenses for taxing the colonies
Colonial position: Why did they disagree with the taxes? What were the advantages of the British in the war? What were the disadvantages of the British in the war? What were the advantages of the Colonists in the war? What were the disadvantages of the Colonists in the war?
French involvement:
Who’s side did they help? How much of help were they?
Impact of the Revolution: What changed? For who? How much?