November 4, 2014 Exam # 2
You are responsible for all the material in the assigned chapters and information presented in lecture. The topics listed in this study guide are the most likely to be included on the exam.
Values: Ch. 1, DMS
Definition and importance of values
Content and intensity attributes
Personal: Terminal and Instrumental
Terminal values of managers
Value system defined
Alligator River exercise
Emotional Intelligence: Ch. 1, DMS plus Readings from Blackboard
Four domains
What research tells us about EI
Study: Why New Managers Fail
Stress: Ch. 2 DMS
Fight or flight response (limbic system)
Definition of eustress and distress
What are stressors? Types of stressors (e.g. Time, Encounter, etc.)
Costs: Reduces national economy by $300 billion
Major health effects (e.g. Cardio-vascular; gastro-intestinal; immune system)
Target organ
The major source of stress in the workplace
Relationship between stress & performance (Inverted “U” function; arousal overload & underload)
Strategies for coping with stress
1. Enactive
2. Proactive
Impact of Need for Stability on reactivity to stress
Telomores, telomerase and their impact on resilience to stress
Communication: Ch. 4
Skills required to send messages effectively
Effective feedback
Importance of Effective Communication
Relationships between unskillful communication & interpersonal relationships:
Insensitive message delivery
Distant interpersonal relationships
Defective communication flow
2 main obstacles: defensiveness & disconfirmation
Supportive Communication:
Know the 8 Principles of Supportive Communication (Based on Congruence, not incongruence; Descriptive, not evaluative, etc)
Advising response
Deflecting response
Probing Response
Elaboration probe
Clarification probe
Repetition probe
Reflection probe
Reflecting Response
Difference between coaching & counseling situations
Personal Management Interview