Holroyd Hall front entrance has pillars that look similar in shape to the Parthenon. Inside the building in the atrium, the building also has these pillar shape structures. The building is a square shape as well, similar to the Parthenon. Holroyd Hall is the building on campus host to the Arts and Sciences classes. As we know from Greek culture, the Greeks valued art and science equally. The Greeks also made great advancements in math. Holroyd Hall hosts science, digital arts, and math classes in the building. The shared value that Greek culture has for the Arts and Sciences is express in the faculty and students that take classes in Holroyd Hall. The pillars are not a sign of entasis, as they do not seem to give an illusion of a perfect square. It is not surprising that La Salle will choose those pillars to be near the entrance, just like the …show more content…
The Peale house has pillars much like the Parthnenon. The pillar are smaller, because the house is much smaller than the Parthenon and even Holroyd Hall. However, it symbolizes something different than Holroyd Hall. The Peale House is the office for mission. Missionary work is planned in the building and missionary work have a religious background at La Salle, which is a Catholic university. The Parthenon served as a temple in Greek, and symbolizing religion and stability much like the Peale House. The Peale House also was the house of famous painter Charles Wilson Peale. It is ironic that the Greeks value art, and the man that one lived in the Peale house, has pillars like the Greek art work The Parthenon. Pictures