Summary of "Competitive sport for children at the heart of Olympics legacy" The Prime Minister David Cameron wants sports in a new primary school. He thinks it is the Governments job, after the The Olympics in London 2012, to give inspiration to more competitive sport in the schools. He means that how the primary school are now it has to many rules and no recognisable sport like you see in the Olympics. He is working on a new Physical Education programme for the schools which goal is to get every child to like sport, to make the children want to compete, and be in competitions, not only in the schools, but also outside it. There are already 5,000 links between sport clubs, and schools which will make it easier for the children to keep practising in their free time. The culture the Prime Minister wants to make is one where children enjoys sports and gets inspired to pursue their dreams, and maybe reach the Olympics some day.
2) An outline of the various attitudes to competitive sport. In the first text "Competitive sport for children at the heart of Olympics legacy" and the second text "Competitive sport is all very well but helping every child reach their potential must be Britain's Olympic Legacy" both articles think they should use the inspiration from the Olympic Games. Where the Prime Minister in the first text wants to use the inspiration to change the schools, the professional rower in the second text is concerned that the pressure would scare som people away. So text two thinks the sport should be on the young's own free will instead of force. The third text "Competitive Sports: Making It Compulsory Is Futile" thinks that the Olympics was fun, but don't think it is an occasion to push political things forward like he thinks the Prime Minister is doing in the first text. Text three is more agreeing with the second text that says voluntarily sport will make people enjoy it, and force can make