Andrea Jimenez
La Guardia Community College
SCL 114.4173
Name: Andrea Jimenez Date of Assignment: Thursday, January 20 2014
Directions: Utilize format in preparation for your clinical case study and submit to your clinical instructor. You will be required to present the case study orally during pre and post conferences.
Client Initials: E.S. Client Age: 11 months
Primary Diagnosis: Bronchiolitis, RSV positive
1) Define the etiology of the diagnosis Bronchiolitis is an inflammation of the bronchioles caused by an acute infection in the lower respiratory track. Different types of microorganism cause this infection, but the most common one is RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus). Other microorganisms include parainfluenza viruses type 1 and 3, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, and Mycoplasma pneumonia. RSV is a small, labile paramyxovirus that produces inflammation and tigers the creation of mucus. This virus is transmitted by indirect/direct contact with infected sources. Once the test shows positive the patient will be isolated with contact precautions as any nosocomial infection.
2) Describe the growth and developmental tasks ascribed to this age level. …show more content…
It is very important to build boundaries with mother/father in the first year of life. Piaget’s theory fits this eleven-month baby in the sensory motor stage. Piaget states that the baby mostly focuses on what they see, what they do, and how to interact with the environment that surround them. They are constantly experimenting with activities such as shaking or throwing things. Freud place the child in the oral stage, as its name indicates the child’s interaction with the world is mostly through the mouth. They get pleasure from sucking and putting everything into their