At the conclusion of an Aug. 3 bench trial, Dalton Smith, 3826 Motz Drive, was found guilty by Holmes County Municipal Judge Andrew Hyde of two counts of criminal trespassing and two counts of telephone harassment.
His actions culminated in the filing of several criminal charges stemming from incidents occurring between April and July.
While Smith continued to, in part, argue his guilt and suggest the woman was not truthful during her testimony, he eventually told Hyde he understands the …show more content…
I want you out of jail. But, I need to know that you're going to leave her alone if I let you out,” Hyde told Smith, adding, “I don't want you to go back to her house. She doesn't want you to go back to her house. She doesn't want you to call her.”
Smith said he has no reason to have contact with the woman and “I have no intention of violating the court order.”
Hyde imposed a combined sentence of one year in prison, but said he would consider releasing Smith onto probation, to include electronic monitoring, once he is psychologically evaluated and has a plan for treatment.
Conditions of the plan, including medication orders, will be made part of Smith's probation, said Hyde, noting, as with prior orders, Smith will be prohibited from having any contact with the woman or stepping within 500 feet of her residence.
According to trial testimony from responding Holmes County sheriff's deputies, the 63-year-old victim and Smith himself.
The deputies shared details of their experiences at the woman's home, to which they all had been called and at which time all advised Smith did not have permission to be there. Every time, Smith said he understood he had been told by the victim he was not welcome there, according to the officers'