Anesha Saju was born in 1996 in Kerala, India (South India). Anesha and her family lived in Kerala for 9 years and in …show more content…
Anesha explained to me that a main push factor was that her parents didn’t like life in India, they didn’t have very good jobs and wanted a better future for Anesha. There were many pull factors for the Shaju family as to why they immigrated over to America, one being that they strived for a better life style and better quality of life, overall. Mr. and Mrs. Shaju wanted better jobs, a better education for their daughter, and dreamed big of all the possibilities waiting for them in America. So, they moved to the “Land of Dreams” (America). Anesha and her family settled in South Carolina, for no specific reason, and lived there for 7 years until 2012. Although they lived in South Carolina for 7 years, they weren’t completely satisfied. A push factor was that they were lonely in South Carolina, they weren’t near any family or friends, and only had themselves. There wasn’t much of an Indian community in South Carolina. So, they moved to Dallas, TX. Some pull factors were that they had much more family and friends down in Texas, they were happier. The immigration from India to America and South Carolina to Dallas is best described as migration - a permanent relocation. The case between India and America is defined as a international migration, where the Shaju family had crossed international