Rayos, Howard Limuel A. MexE- 5201
Villano, Allen Joseph A.
The shell and coconut meat are removed manually using knife and hooks. Automation results in reduction of human effort and improves productivity of the output product. The dried coconuts are collected and they are placed in the clamping setup one by one. The loaded clamper setup moves along with the conveyor. When the clamping setup approaches the proximity sensor, the conveyor stops moving and the double acting cylinder gets actuated. As the double acting cylinder moves down, stepper motor starts rotating so that the blade attached to it rotates piercing into the kernel and made a rotation to separate the kernel from the shell. Then the double acting cylinder retracts so that the blade moves up along with the kernel thus separating the kernel and shell. After deshelling process the clamper with empty shell starts moving in the conveyor, when top portion of conveyor becomes downwards, so that the declamping process is done by using the gravity feed mechanism. Then with empty clamper is moved and is get ready to load for the next shell.
The main components used in our project are:
1. Pneumatic Supply
2. Double Acting Cylinder
3. Blade Setup
4. Clamping Setup
5. Conveyor Setup
6. Proximity Sensor
7. Stepper Motor
8. Microcontroller
9. Relay Circuit
10. Power Supply
Coconut production plays important role in economic, social, and cultural activities here in the Philippines. All parts of coconut tree is useful, from the tree itself can be use as a lumber up to its leaves can be made as brooms. Philippines is exporting many products from coconut. Copra is one of the main products that many regions are producing.
Nowadays agricultural field faces the scarcity in workers. Time consumption is increasing because of lack of workers. Copra making involves dehusking the coconut, separating the