Title: Angels and Demons
Author: Dan Brown
Source: Novel by same title
The novel, "Angels And Demons" by Dan Brown, is a story of when a world renowned scientist was found butally murdered and a proffessor named Robert Langdon is summoned to identify the mysterious symbol scared into his chest. His conclusion is it was the work of the Illuminati, a secret brotherhood presumed extinct for nearly four hundred years and is now reborn to continue their fight againgst their sworn enemy, the Catholic Church.
One of the themes in the book seems to be that science and religion are two sides of the same story. The bible talks about God who created good and evil, warmth and coldness etc. It is not clear whether the book tells us that science proves God, or that science is God, or if the author is just trying to create debate and propose a different point of view on religion. In another book by Dan Brown, "The Da Vinci Code", he shows that he is open for new theories on Christianity.
The greatest example of devotion is from the Camerlengo, who although was misguided, acts because he believes that he is doing God's will. The camerlengo masterminds the whole situation, from the antimatter in the Vatican to poisoning the Pope to the deaths of the four cardinals. He believes that if people think the Illuminati has reemerged and is threatening the church, they will return to their faith to the Catholic Church. He truly believes that everything he does has been for the good of the church and that he has been chosen to lead people back to religion and faith. This kind of devotion and determination is also shown in the movie, "Remember The Titans", as Coach Boone is determined to unite the races as he believes that the ongoing hatred between the different ethnic groups should