30 August 2013
Anglo Saxon Outline
1: England
A. England is isolated from European continent
1. Weather – rain/fog
2. Thatched cottages, quant stone churches
Mysterious stone veins home of literature poets
B. Theory of Granty
C. Industrial revolution, contribution of music
1. Radix penicillin
2. Beatles
D. British Monarchy
1. Magna-Carta – 1215
a. A political system
1) “by and for the people”
2. Englands contribution to America
a. Legacy of common law
1) Emphasis on personal right and freedom
2) Parliament government
3) English literature
4) English language
E. Invaders of Britain
1. Liberians
2. Colts
3. Romans
4. Anglo Saxo 2: The Celtic havoc and A. when greek travelers visit great Britain
1. They found an island founded by tall blondes named celtic
2. Among the groups were biythans
a. Left permanent stamp the name Britain B. The religion of the Celts form of an 1. They saw spirits everywhere 2. Spirits or gods controlled all aspects C. the mythology of Celts 1. Influenced English and Irish a. Thomas malary 1) Gathered together Celtic legends about a warrior b. the mixed these stories generally with other legends D. Celtic stories are very different from Anglo-Saxon 1. Celtic legends are full of strong women a. Angelo- Saxon male dominated 2. queen Masan a. Ireland b. led her troops into an epic war 1. Ownerships of a white heard of bull
3: The Romans: the great administrators
A. Began with invasion by Julius Caesar
1. Culminating in are organized by emperor
a. Britain’s were