Animals must have rights they are defenceless if an animal is being hurt, they cannot say stop or how they feel about it and that to me is very disappointing. I feel like animals are easy targets for laboratory experiments because they cannot stand up for themselves . These animals being tested on go through so much mentally and physically. They are locked in cages they don't even fit in ,they are treated as if they don't feel it or that they aren't even living creatures. These animals being experimented on go through the use of force like force feeding, forced inhalation, food and water deprivation, prolonged periods of physical restraint, the infliction of burns and …show more content…
other wounds to study the healing process, the infliction of pain to study its effects and remedies, and "killing by carbon dioxide asphyxiation, neck-breaking, decapitation, or other means.
An estimated 26 million animals go through this every year.
The animal Bill of Rights includes the right to shelter and care for house pets, making sure they have a healthy diet.
This is an essential part of having a pet most often people get pets without realizing the responsibility it comes with . An animal is like a child they are expected to be fed and cared for. Animals need a home with a place for fresh air and to be taken on walks . I've once watched a show of a lady with about 13 cats or more and she couldn't take the responsibility of cleaning after them which made the home very unsanitary for her and the cats the Bill of Rights can make sure to avoid those kind of hoarding shelters for
My last argument is one that I recently realized how heartbreaking and unfair it is which is the right of wildlife to a natural habitat . When we go to zoos, we love to see all the exotic animals we wouldn't be able to see, but I began to realize zoos are also a place of captivity .The animals are held in small places nothing like their natural habitats. They show signs of biting on the bars , circling, pacing, rocking/swaying , and excessive grooming these animals have the right to a home they belong in . During my research I saw a polar bear desperate for more cold he was hot so he decided to rub himself on the ice to cool him off . Polar bears belong in icy regions across the Arctic . Tigers belong in Evergreen forests, Mangrove swamps, Tropical rain-forests, Savannah, Grasslands, Rocky mountains. I don't get what they are doing in the Los Angeles zoo or the San Diego zoo or any zoo. That goes for all the animals in zoo cages.
These Innocent living creatures need to be cared about they want rights just like we did once before .These three reasons I gave are why I strongly believe in the animal Bill of Rights a living thing should not go through unnecessary experiments or put in the hands of irresponsible homes and surely not held captive in entertainment homes. The animal Bill of Rights will better our world in many ways for us and the animals.