
Animal Farm Chapter 3 Summary

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Animal Farm Chapter 3 Summary
1. The Seven Commandments were originally intended to give order to the animals and to show the animals that humans were enemies, it soon turned into propaganda to deceive and undermine the lower classes of animals. Napoleon and all the others who assumed the authority of the farm constantly changed the commandments to give themselves new privileges and rights. Commandments such as no animal shall sleep in a bed, no animal shall drink alcohol, and all animals are equal would be constantly changed due to the pigs and others in authority breaking the rules. As the pigs began sleeping in beds to find extra comfort the rule had to be changed to no sleeping in beds with sheets. After Napoleon found the joy of getting drunk he had the ban on …show more content…
After the humans had treated the animals very wrongfully the animals revolted and took the farm. The humans tried to capture the farm once again, and though it cost many injuries and deaths the animals proved their victory again. The humans never dared to take the farm again.

3. Moses the Raven represents religion as he gives the animals hope and word of a paradise after death. Sugarcandy Mountain represents heaven where after a long life of toil and hard work the animals will go after death to live in paradise. The idea of Sugarcandy Mountain goes against the pig's animalism because animalism is a type of heaven on earth, and the pigs did not want the others to believe in a paradise after life.

4. The battle of Cowshed was the final stand for Mr. Jones to try to regain his lost farm. When the pigs learned of possible attack they organized defensive positions to fend off possible attackers. Finally, pigeons brought news that Jones and others were coming into the farm. After vicious fighting between the two sides, it looked as though the animals were falling back, to which the humans rushed after them in attack. This, however, was what the pigs were expecting and the rest of the animals ambushed and finally pushed Jones and company out of the farm and even killing a stable boy. This was a vital moment for the animals as they proved to the humans that they weren’t going give up the
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If the farm was looking for loyalty, strength, and a hard worker, they had to look no further than boxer. Though not very smart he was the hardest worker without ever having to question leadership. He understood the need for education and tried to think for himself however he always settled for of the pigs know what was best. Boxer truly was the most devoted citizen on the farm.

Even with all his devotion and everything he did for the development of the farm, he couldn’t escape a tragic end. Though he was told he was to be taken to an animal doctor to be made healthy again, he was sold to a glue factory to be slaughtered. This showed the worth of the working class in the eyes of the pigs. The animals were to work until they could no longer produce for Napoleon and the pigs, as soon as they could no longer work they were to be killed just as the men had done

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